What Cheered You Up Today?

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A good sleep in....didn't get up till 8.45.....usually around 6 for me...

Same for me last night Wayne. Came home from work and laid down for a minute and woke up 5 hours later. Stayed up a few hours then went back to bed for another 9 hours. Must have needed it because I feel great now, and I haven't even had my coffee yet!
Missing boy sparks huge hunt in Denmark - CNN.com :D

It turned out that the boy became angry and left his parents in the forest, because his mom had put his coat on him backwards to stop the kid from taking it off constantly.
The same coat saved his life, because it's still freezing in the night here.
Thank God he did not accidentally end up in one of the many tiny lakes in the forest, thank God the weather kept dry, and thank God they found him alive and well!
It was a man out riding his icelandic pony who found the boy, walking around just 400 meters from where the police and the volunteers were searching for him. :D
The man with the pony had put the horse trailer behind his car, loaded the pony into it, and took off for the forest, looking for the boy and going where cars can't go.
After a few hours the pony needed a rest, and suddenly the man spotted the boy in the forest. :)
Holger (the boy) is now safe with his family. :)
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Went to the Dentist's School in Copenhagen today, and had my stupid tooth checked by one of the most charming male dentists in Denmark: Kim, who also happens to be a member of one of Denmark's all-time favourite bands, Shu-Bi-Dua. *melts*
He also happens to know a music-crazy friend of mine, so we had a nice music chat, too.
And I've got an appointment tomorrow at the Dentist's School, where he's going to fix my stupid tooth. :)

And at the museum today, one of our retired officers - Svend-Aage - was a great help in helping out with the old badges, because I have been totally out of it last night, with tooth ache and the following lack of sleep.
So I had had 1½ hours of sleep last night, and Svend Aage was a huge, cheerful help today - you gotta appreciate it when your colleagues back you up 100 %, when you're bummed out and totally wasted. :thumbleft: :thumbright:
He's the kind of elderly gentleman that makes you appreciate his old-fashioned upbringing, tact and style, and he's also good-natured with a really nice sense of humour - dammit, I really like the man. :D

And to top it off, my colleague Anne-Lise returned today after a cuople of weeks off, it was so nice to see her again. :)

Now - I know it sounds like I'm going all gushy and all here, but - good colleagues are really worth their weight in gold, because they can save an otherwise rotten day just by being themselves. ;)
Tooth's out.
And I'm glad that I most likely won't have to go back to the Dentist's School for more treatment:
I had to get up so early that it has altered my circadian rhythm to the same as that of newspaper boys and black pied dairy cattle!!! :p :D

Has had a good nap, and I am amazed that I'm not more sore.
As it is now, whatever little pain there is, can be dealt with with a couple of Paracetamols.
Heh, the anaestethic shot through the palate was a lot worse! :D (Ow!!!)
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Got a call from my boss this morning while I was on my way to work:
I get my contract on May 1st, so from then on I'm officially hired to work at the police museum. :D
And since my boss already knows me and my work style, he had an excellent recommendation for me, just in case I want to find other work. Got it on paper, signed and all. :D

Aaaaaaaaaand there's also this:
The sun was shining when I left work today, so I got myself a badly needed haircut - relief! :D
I bought a cup of coffee and sat down in the sun on a bench by one of the Copenhagen lakes, and just relaxed - yummy, that was nice!
And I got myself a 1/48 Academy Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 to celebrate the good job news. :)

Aaaaaaaaand my buddies and I opened Bakken yesterday, approx. 3000 motorcycles were gathered in Copenhagen to ride together to Bakken. :D

Aaaaaaaaaaaand tomorrow the danish BMW motorcycle dealer, Xpedit, opens another workshop and sales room in Farum, and we're a bunch of guys going out there together tomorrow. Yay! :D
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Last year they found a genuine engine of a Fokker G.1 mercury fighter, somewhere in a canal. This is really unique. Because I'm a donor of the G1 foundation, I'm invited to come and see it.
That's awesome, Marcel - go go go go! ;)

My good thing today?
Well. I had the day off since I went to work yesterday, so I pumped the bicycle and went to Herlev 4 km's from here, to go check out the used-stuff-shop there.
Turned out that it was not only a good, but a great thing, because they had the leather desk blotter that I've been hunting for ever since december.
Yay! Snatch, pay ten DKK (That's approc. 1.80 USD), and home I went. :D


I'll see if I can pick up some fresh blotting paper tomorrow in Copenhagen. :)
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Maria, that desk looks wonderful and smart. Oddly the other desks/work areas I've seem pictured on this forum seem to consist of empty beer cans, overflowing ash trays and half finished models. Is this a gender thing? :D

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