What Cheered You Up Today?

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Managing to finish packing 130 police badges at the museum today. YAY!
That means I won't have to do that tomorrow. :D
We've received several wish lists from various departments in and around Copenhagen during the past few weeks, from people who wishes to receive their old badges, and I'm in charge of the badge stuff.
1. Get list.
2. Look up badge numbers from birth dates in the register in the computer, and write them down on list.
(I've GOT to teach Rudolf (The retired cop that made the register lists) about Access and how to make databases, instead of making the friggin' lists in Excel! Can anyone say "search and scroll???)
3. Dig out badges and put in ziploc bags with names and badge numbers written on the bags.
4. Re-check with archived cardboard list cards to make sure that the name and the badge number matches alright.
5. Look up birth dates and names in different list, if badge number is missing in one or the other list.
6. Write birth dates and badge numbers on Sign-off list.
7. OK the original list of birth dates and put in folder - either "done", or write a note on list about what the problem might be, and put in "missing badges"-folder.
8. Scream@thought of the next 15-20 lists waiting. (One list waiting in the pile of lists is a whopping 120 names long...argh...)
9. Smoke a cigarette to calm down.
10. Cup of coffee to stay awake and help stop mixing up the various numbers on the different lists.
11. Do a series of single badge mail lists as an easy-thing-to-do-reward, and pack the /%/% badges in envelopes and send them off via internal mail service.
Then I called the owners who all was very happy about the fact that I send them their old badges.
Hearing an elderly retired cop sounding very happy because I send him his old badge totally made my day. :)
And what makes me tolerate this "eejit" part of my job is the joy that I get to see when I bring out the badges to the various departments, or the bosses come to pick up the parcels that I've made, with all the badges.
That's cool. :D
Plus seeing the smiles we get when people pick up their old badges - that's max cool!
I mean: They received their badges after four years at the academy, on the day they had worked hard to reach: The day they became REAL police officers, and not just cadets.
And they've been walking around carrying that badge in their pocket for years, day in and day out - that old badge MATTERS to them. A lot.
So helping them to get their badges back IS a joy.
Plus I also make fun with the guys - they can take it:
Many of the old police badges are a wee bit worn and frayed along the edges, and I usually tease the guys about all the, erm, soda bottles...yes...*giggle*...they've been opening with their badges during the years. :D
That's always good for a laugh. ;)
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Badges, we don't need no stinking badges;) I gotta watch that movie again one of these days (Blazing Saddles, that is).

After a long wait I finally got the replacement for the longbow I send back for being to light in draw weight. Off to the archery range in a hour to fling some arrows.
Blazing Saddles is a classic, period! :D

Alright, tucking in with something soft to the touch...



sensually pleasing that I love to hug...

gotta love...

my pillows. :D
Playing with makeup for the first time in ages, lol.
Advice no. 1: Keep the sponge OUT of your eyes, if you ever have to use makeup when reenacting or something. :D
(Dammit, that HURT!)
Okay: Filler done, primer layer no, 1 done...
Hmmm, I'm better at painting a 1/48 Bf-109! :D
But this is fun! :D

EDIT: Am now seriously considering painting cheeks and forehead in the two RLM-greys, jaw and chin in RLM-light blue, and a yellow nose with a Mickey Mouse and a JG26 "Schlageter"-badge on one cheek...then I'll know what the /&T%/% I'm doing! :rofl:
Am having great fun here. :D
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Congrats T. Glad you're still with us.

Today the Cubs won against the Seattle Mariners with Randy Wells on the mound. So far he's been spectacular in spring and hopefully he'll do very well starting for the Cubbies this season, but the pitching staff needs some serious improvement, especially the relievers.

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