What Cheered You Up Today?

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Finding some danish-language recipes for mac 'n cheese with bacon, knödeln and deep-fried Oreo cookies. *drools*
The important thing here?
The measurements works a lot better with my danish kitchen utensils! :D

And getting to examine and photograph two fountain pens - a Mont Blanc Meisterstück and another one - which was previously owned by a man named Vilhelm Jacobsen, who - together with his wife - was murdered in Copenhagen in 1948 in an infamous and - for the time - double murder.
The museum is going to host a special exhibit from april this year about the murder case, the murderer(s?) has never been caught, so the case is still open/active.
It's the first Mont Blanc fountain pen that I've ever held and examined. *drools*

And getting a big hug from a bear of a sweet elder copper today.
The museum starts delivering the old badges from the 60s and 70s back to the former owners tomorrow, and Rudolf was there to help us set up the storage cabinets containing the badges.
We (him and I) hit it off right away, joking and having fun, and he surprised me by giving me a huge hug. It turned out that he had served in Greenland previously, and that his ex-wife came from my greenlandic family, the Heilmann family! Talk about a small world! :D
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Visiting my parents today and spending a really nice time with them.
They're cleaning out a lot of stuff in preparation for moving from a house to an apartment for the elderly, and so I help them by taking a lot of stuff to the recycling yard. They're happy getting rid of things, and I'm happy to be able to help them. :)

Dad gave me granddad's old notes and school assignments from granddad's time at the naval radio school in 1932-33.
The man had a beautiful italic handwriting, which I thoroughly enjoy seeing and reading.
Plus there's some wonderful tech drawings on how to make a Marconi radio receiver and other radios, and some doodles that he made, among them a terribly bad drawing of a dancing couple, early 1930's style.
My grandfather (- who became chief radio operator aboard a danish navy inspection ship) built his, his uncle's and his father's own radio receivers, at a time when radio sets were only for the rich and wealthy. :)

And the third thing today: Sunshine. :)
We were three guys at the museum today, and we were busy from opening to closing, giving back badges to officers all day.
183 badges in all, plus the ones we found, that are to be packed and sent to the various departments in the Copenhagen area.
I even met an officer I know from the Bakken-opening-motorcycle-arrangement, we've talked a couple of times over the years - the really cool thing is that he remembered me too. :D
I even met an officer I know from the Bakken-opening-motorcycle-arrangement, we've talked a couple of times over the years - the really cool thing is that he remembered me too. :D

I guess that means your "Unforgettable";)

What cheered me up today, weather forcasters been hyping up a big winter storm for over a week, and now we are only expected to get 1-2 inches of snow, hopefully they are right for a change. I want to see grass and open water!!!

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