What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Finding two fountain pens with intact reservoirs - one is a Sheaffer - and three others which need repair (maybe I can use them as spare parts for some of the other vintage fountain pens I have), plus got a Big Ben 35 vintage pencil - all for the cost of the danish equivalent of a dollar, that's approx. 5 kroner. :D Just found a similar Big Ben 35 pencil for sale online - for 50 euro! HAH! :D
And got a petrol lamp for another 5 kroner. Yay!
AND getting back to work for the first time in 1½ week, yay! :D
Getting a dinner invitation from an old friend - Lennart - which I haven't seen much in the last 11 years; y'know: relationships and life getting in the way. And his very jealous girlfriend, later wife. :D
Well - they split, he's got the house for the time being, and now he catches up with old friends again.
So he invited me for dinner, and we did a lot of catching up and having a nice evening with a damned good mexican lasagna and lots of talk about our common interests: Movies, music and comic books.
It was so good to finally get to see him again, and we had a great evening. :D
Finding an uncensored live version of Rammstein's "Bück Dich" online.
Dayum, that performance is both disgusting and hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It certainly didn't help anything that I didn't know what the heck I was letting myself in for, despite the fact that I like Rammstein. Sry guys, I'm in tears here! *wipes eyes* :D :D :D
Caught a GREAT blues singer Mary Bridget Davies in a small, small club. She did some Janis Joplin, Allmans, Bonnie Raitt and a lot of her own stuff. Three hour show and she actually came over and sat with us during one of her breaks. If your into the blues at all download her CD at Amazon for less than $9, well worth it. (NOT trying to sell anything here, just suggesting for anyone that likes that type of music)
It's the first day of March, the beginning of the end of this horrible Winter season. Snow should start melting, temps rising as the month goes on!

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