What Cheered You Up Today?

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Maria, that desk looks wonderful and smart. Oddly the other desks/work areas I've seem pictured on this forum seem to consist of empty beer cans, overflowing ash trays and half finished models. Is this a gender thing? :D

*whispers* Thanks Maximowitz. ;)

No, it is an "Ordnung MUSS sein"-desk gene, apparently not found in approximately 98 % of the male population, and 43 % of the female population of any given country and society. ;)
People can be trained, however, the training must begin at an early age, so that the effect will last with the individual during the subject's adult years. And even then, there's no guarantee that people will stick to keeping their desks tidy and neat.
There do exist certain groups in the population, where a tidy desk is a regular occurrence:
You'll find the Tidy Desk Syndrome - or TDS as it is called - at the offices of many nurses, police officers and OCD patients outside of the abovementioned groups. :D
It is my belief that if your workspace is too nice and tidy you are not working hard enough;) Or you are spending too much time tidy'ing and not enough time working, take your pick.

....or you are single... ;) :D

My good things today:

1. Signed the job papers this morning. :D

2. Rudolf, which stands for the police badge hullaballoo at the museum, called it quits on the long badge wish lists from the various departments - YAY! :D
There was too much trouble with people mailing us their lists of people who wanted their old badges back.
Then some people went and picked up their badges anyway, with the result that we had to check and recheck to find badges which already had been given back to their old owners....grrrr...so Rudolf told us that we didn't have to do the lists anymore, end of that.
Friggin' awesome, because I was about to begin working on a list that had 133 names on it (- and drowning in more lists!), which meant:
a. Look up people's birth dates in our lists.
b. Write down the badge number next to people's name.
c. Write the names and numbers on ziploc bags, find the badges and put them in the bags.
d. Gather all the badges which were meant to go to the same department.
e. Write birth date and badge number on the sign-off list, so that it was ready for people to pick up the badges and sign 'em off.
So thank GOD we don't have to do that anymore! :D

3. Most importantly: Dad came home from the hospital. :)
He had been suffering from pains in the chest and arm yesterday, so mom pushed him to go see their physician today. The physician told him: You're going to the hospital! And off he went by ambulance, while mom went home. Dad was due to undergo a lot of heart tests, so therefore he told mom that she could just as well go home, and then she could visit him tomorrow instead. So home she went.
I called her on my way home from the museum, and she told me what had happened, so I went straight from the train station to mom and dad's house.
Mom and I talked things through really good, and we had dinner together.
Suddenly the doorbell rang while we were eating, and it was dad. :)
So the hospital judged after tests today, that the medication he got at the hospital was good, and he was sent home with proper medication, and during the next weeks he's due to undergo a lot of tests and all, to find the actual problem itself.
It was so good to see mom and dad hug each other when dad came home. :)
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Congrats on both the job and your Father showing up at the front door, unanounced. What a suprise that must have been.

What cheered me up, sinus and ear infections appear to be on the mend. Have tomorrow off from work and am going to put 4 pork butts in the smoker. Picked up beer during lunch today. Three day weekend, smoking pork butts for pulled pork sandwiches tomorrow, and Saturday two buddies and myself are smoking 250 pounds of Elk, Venison, and Beef Sausages. I should pick up more beer;)
I finally got off my duff and started the job search Monday, yesterday I got 2 offers and I start to work this Monday. I kept telling my friends and family and all those others that were saying "when is he going back to work" that I would have no problem getting going again once I got my head straight.
Letting off a huge loud fart in the stuffed-to-the-brim metro train today when going home. :D
The really hilarious thing was:
People around me didn't say a thing, but you should have seen the looks on their faces!
Oooooh MAN! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you can imagine that broken, panicked look a mortally wounded deer has, just before he hits the ground stone dead, and then multiply it with the number of people you can stuff into a metro train car a la Tokyo rush hour time, then you get the idea! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Dad's back home from the hospital, the sun is shining, and I'm having my first cup of evening coffee on the balcony now, complete with Werner Held's book: "Adolf Galland: Ein Fliegerleben in Krieg und Frieden". :)

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