What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Aw, thanks guys! *hugs the gang* :D

1. One of my colleagues had set the table for lunch today for the 14 of us at work (in green spring colours, with green candles and all), and she served her homemade tuna mousse with prawns, caviar and hard-boiled eggs - yummy!
Afterwards, she had made coffee for us, and there was chocolate cake and homemade delicious cookies. Yum!!!

2. Managed to work my way through a lot of address lists for press releases, community houses, and various other places that need info about our upcoming special exhibition at the museum.
That's a ton of addresses I won't have to work my way through on friday! Yay! :D

3. Almost accidentally asked the book shop that I was shopping at for the museum, if they had desk blotter-sized green blotting paper.
I've been all over Copenhagen, searching for blotting paper, and I just haven't been able to find a paper-/ book shop that had it anymore. Well - at least not in that size... :p
Well, to my great amazement this shop had it, and I bought 5 pieces, plus a bottle of Barock Königsblau FP ink, which they also had. Yay! :D
Went to the "kneeologist" today, and got an appointment for a scan and pain-reducing injection next week. Phew. :)
Plus got hold of a nice book about Erich Hartmann, when I went through a series of book shops in Copenhagen after work.
Nice. :)
Went to a Memorial Service today that was organised by the palliative care Team from the Hospital that Mum passed away in.
It was held to remember all those persons that had passed away from Sept 2010 to Feb 2011 and each Persons name was read out.

It was great to hear mum's name read out after which all were asked to light a candle in remembrance....it was a good feeling.
Got some bumps and bruises in our Lacrosse game today but after a bit of a dog fight we won 10-9 had a good day scoring wise with 5 goals and 2 assists, including the winner with a bit over a minute left in the game...!
Cool, Wayne - congrats! ;) :D

Went on a motorcycle ride with Jørn today - the sun was shining, we had "no particular place to go" :D - and so we just "floated" around all over the place, ending up in a lot of beautiful places, having a great time.

Aaaaand I discovered that a danish guy have rebuilt and restored a Messerschmitt Bf 110 G4 nightfighter from parts from all over the world, plus he has collected various other Luftwaffe and other WW2 stuff, which he displays in his own private museum.
He has even gone to the lengths of securing the aid of old former Luftwaffe paint shop painters, to ensure that the plane got the proper colours! :thumbleft: :thumbright:
As far as I've been able to find out, visitors need to make an appointment with the owner, so I'm going to call the man next week to find out more. ;)

The curious can get a glimpse of the stuff on display here:

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Wow! Didn't even know there was another '110 in existence! Hope you get to see it, and get some pics Maria !
Thanks guys, I'll see what I can do, and IF things turn out to my advantage, I'll make damned sure that you guys get to see the pics too. ;)

My good things today?
Got up early today and helped mom and dad by taking a lot of stuff to the local container yard. Had a great time, having fun.
And to top it off, my buddy Poul called to tell me that he had a new computer for me. YAY! :D :D :D Went to pick it up, it's now standing on the floor, waiting for me to finish backing up a lot of files, copying and writing down my fave programs to ensure that I remember to install 'em all on my new comp. :D
THIS is one of the very few times that I curse the fact that I love to take photographs all the time lol. :shocked!: :laughing6:
No prob guys, I'm curious about that 110, too! :D

Three really good things today:

1. Went to get my train month card renewed this morning, only to discover that the shop at the station is temporarily closed. It is being turned into a Seven-Eleven.
And I didn't have any change so that I could buy a ticket from the ticket machine on the platform,so that I could go to another station to get the /% card renewed. Hm, what to do?
In the meantime, a sweet elderly lady stopped and started talking with me about the shop and why it was closed today?
Long story short, she ended uo handing me an almost fully used 10-clip train card with one clip left, so that I could go to the next train station to get my card renewed. What a generous, helpful gesture!

2. Went to the next station and got my card renewed, and went back up onto the platform to catch the next train to Copenhagen. On the way, a kind guy gave me his newspaper for me to read in the train.
Thanks buddy, I appreciate it. :)

3. At work, I went to deliver an old police badge to a 92-year-old former officer. I was going to bring the internal mail to the central police station for their mail office to send out, and I could just as well drop by and give the gentleman his old badge.
It turned out that he was still agile for a man of his age, sharp, open-minded, cheerful and a true sweetie. :)
To top it off, he was one of the many danish police officers that were sent to the kz-camp Buchenwald, when the danish police were captured by the germans during WW2.
He gave me the old wooden spoon that he had made himself to use in Buchenwald, so that I could give it to the museum.
He had carved his daughter - then 8 months old - on the back of the handle, and "Dannebrog" - the danish flag - on the front.
And if that wasn't enough, he and his 60-something son is going to Rhodos together soon on holiday. :D
He couldn't find his old prisoner's dog tags, but later he called me to tell me that he had found them, and I'm going to pick them up on wednesday. I'm looking forward to meeting the man again, he's such a lively, cheerful, happy man - he's a joy to meet. :)

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