What Cheered You Up Today?

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Thanks again guys. Both things is a huge relief. ;)
And another good thing today:
Since my back is acting up, my colleagues is helping me in every way they can.
Do I have to tell you guys that I absolutely love them??? :D
Glad to hear your dad is home Maria. I have a suggestion for your back. It usually helps me when I get a sore back. First, I would hang from a bar and let the weight of my legs crack my back straight. Then I would lay with my back on the floor and my legs up on a chair or sofa. Kind of sitting the opposite way in a chair with butt up against the chair. I then have a rolled up towel (not a large roll, but a small one) placed in the small of my back and a small pillow under my head. Then I just relax and sit this way for at least 20 minutes. Once the back relaxes and sits in a more natural position, the pain tends to go away until next time I over work it. :) hope it helps.
Got my contract friday, signed it today and went to the central National Police office with it today.
It turns out that they'd gotten my personal info just in time for my first wage to go into my bank account tomorrow. Yay!
I get paid 3000 DKr more than earlier for doing 31 hours a week's worth of work - now THAT's a difference I can feel! :D Yahey!
Momma's gonna buy herself a new pair a' shoes! *points proudly@self* :D
It's about time, too. The old ones are incredibly comfortable by now = you know they've reached the stage where it's just before they fall totally apart. :D

And...heheh!...to top it off, I got an old police badge to add to the new "old" badge I have.
The funny thing is its number....5819. Sounds familiar? :p :D :lol: :rofl:
Photos'll follow when I get home. ;)
Congrats Maria and Razor. And Maria, it's just dawned on me what the significance of the number is - a certain Bf109E.

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