What Cheered You Up Today?

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I'm crossing my fingers for you, Karl! ;)

My good thing today?
I asked nicely and got a very favourable price offer for a Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted inkwell and pen tray set - snatch! Home it went. :D

Spent the week Turkey hunting, my favorite hunting of all. Got a bird on Wednesday. Back to work today. I am dead tired, the heels of both feet have the skin worn right off from all the walking in boots and I can feel my pulse in my heels, but I'd do it all over again. Fresh, fried wild Turkey for dinner tomorrow;) Hopefully find some Morel Mushrooms in the woods this eveneing to go with it.
the little kid with her buddies plus the baby squirrel that she just aqquired, as God as my witness the thing follows her around


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Danish television aired episode 1 of "Fighting the blue - the battle of Britain", and I just watched Episode 1 on the danish online channel.


To top it off, one of my friends is recording it for me, since I haven't got that channel on my telly - can't receive it, but I can watch it online when it gets aired.


At the museum, I picked up the new catalogues for the upcoming special exhibit about the double homicide on Peter Bangsvej in 1948, at the printer's, and I read it on my way home on the train.
Got some straaaange looks from my fellow passengers and wondered why, until I realised that it was prolly some of the photos from the autopsies performed then, now printed in the catalogue, that they had noticed while I was reading.
Continued reading. We are going to sell that catalogue to our guests at the museum when the special exhibit opens on May 25th, so it isn't even the really gross photos - like those of victim 1: Vilhelm Jacobsen, who was beaten up so violently that his eyes were knocked into his brain, and the top half of his face was beaten to a pulp. Not very nice for sure.
Anyway, it was good to see the new catalogue, it looks good and I'm definitely looking forward to the opening of the exhibit.


Heh. earlier today I went shopping stuff for the museum.
I had to go to Amager (an island south of Copenhagen), and suddenly I had this patrol car behind the car.
Alright, no need to worry.
After they had checked and found out that the car in front of them (yours truly) was one of the State Police's civilian cars, they gave me a wave and a smile while passing by, moving on and checking other cars.
I guess I was driving too nicely for a Copenhagen car driver, and thereby made myself suspicious. :D


And sunday was the last day that the museum was open for retired and older police officers to get their old metal badges back.
Monday, Ronald (retired officer) removed the /%/%/% metal drawers containing the badges, and stored the lot of them in the garage. YAY!
Now we've finally got plenty of room again at the museum reception - yay! :D
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Made my first chiropractor appointment - June 1st. :)
Hopefully that'll help straighten out my back, so that I don't have to worry about that any more! :D
Dad is back home from the hospital. :) :thumbleft: :thumbright:
And we had a great opening yesterday at the museum, of our special exhibition. :)
And I dropped by at The Curiosity Shop on Fælledvej today on my way home, to have a wee chat with the owners, Arthur and Ellinor.
Arthur is english, and we talked football. Man, that was highly entertaining! :D
Finally got around to ordering a new remotly operated meat and smoker thermometer for my meat smoker. Pick it up tomorrow, just in time for the long Memorial Day weekend. Now the only problem is what to cook on the smoker? Spare Ribs, Chicken, a big Beef Brisket, or all of the above. Who's coming over for dinner;)

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