What Cheered You Up Today?

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Well I might get to model some today 70% chance of rain.I have a 5 day holi if you want call it that.I am helping a nighbor down the street put up 80' linear feet of facial board pro bono but have rain coming so he called it off.Wife goes to work,son sleeping and I am hitting the shop and plastic.
Doing my laundry today; we've got this laundrette in the basement that you access with one of them plastic card lock things.
In the middle of everything, my card stopped working, and I had two filled machines in there that I suddenly couldn't get to, plus more laundry to do - biker suit and pile of black clothes. *growls*
Got in touch with my ex - Timo - who just this one time happened to be home for once - and he lent me his washing card, plus money for tobacco, just as I was about to go totally ballistic.
Thank God for kind, patient and gallant ex-boyfriends!

EDIT: Got the laundry done, and that was just about time.
I mean: When you reach the point where you start buying new clean socks, undies AND shirts, it's time to do the laundry!
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Been working out extensively the last 3 weeks to loose some of the weight I gained when I injured my achilles tendon a couple years ago. Lost 5 pounds this week, 13 total in the last three weeks.
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Careful now Bucksnort, we don't want you to disappear completely...then we'll have to look for you in the "Color pics for a model I'm building"-thread!

My great thing today?
Colleague Ronald popped by at the museum today - together with his English Cocker Spaniel puppy, Monty. Named after a famous danish police officer, this particular Monty's charm is almost lethal, what with him being all black-and-white ears, paws, curiosity and puppy charm. *melts*
Ronald had stopped three times on his way to the museum, to let Monty out in the hope that he (the dog!) would get rid of whatever a dog needs to get rid of, with no results.
And what's the first thing that Monty do when he gets put on the floor at the museum?
Thank God we have plenty of tissues available for guests and attendants, and plastic bags too.

Oh, and I have to my great consternation discovered that I can also turn DOWN the volume on my mp3-player!
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Went weekend-shopping with Jørn/Nuller today; we had a nice lunch together, and he told me about his week off (this last week), where he went to Touring Camp in Jutland - that's a camping site for motorcyclists only.
He had had a great time, and we had a good funny talk about it.
And I found two Rammstein cd albums - Liebe Ist Für Alle Da, and Rosenrot - the latter was on sale.
And a couple of very nice bracelets, sale too.
Damn, I *like* getting a decent pay now, I think I could get used to it.

And more importantly:
The physicians have finally found out what's wrong with Dad, and he's getting examined to undergo surgery.
At least they now know what's wrong, AND more importantly: They can and will do something about it! * huge sigh of relief*
It was Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary yesterday (61 years!), so Jørn and I have gotten them some nice choccies and a book that I know they're very interested in, and tomorrow when I go to visit them, I'm going to buy 'em some flowers too.

So all in all, things are finally going in the right direction here.

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