What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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Happiness today is getting the door dent in my wife's Golf Plus and the bonnet crease in my Mini Cooper S repaired by a very clever man with a boot full of tools, swiftly followed by a long walk over Dartmoor with my son and our two Choc Labrador's, curry, beer and football tonight.
Life is good on the 10 August 2011.
Crossing my fingers and everything else for you, Karl!

Got myself a bluetooth headset cheaply today. I needed that, as I couldn't answer any phone calls when I've been out driving for the museum, and with a little luck, it'll fit in the motorcycle helmet, too.
Got my son to drop my laptop in to Toshiba yesterday to get the HDD replaced under warranty, they rang me this morning to say it's done come get it! Thought I wouldn't get it back till next week!

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