What Cheered You Up Today?

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Well - first of all: Thanks for caring so much guys, I appreciate it a lot. *hugs the gang*

Last night, dad got transferred from Rigshospitalet to Herlev Hospital, and I visited dad straight after work, mom was there, too.
Really good news:
He's going home tomorrow! :rolling:
The doctors even think that he don't need any special after-surgery physical training, because...well, he walks around all by himself, he can take a shower himself, and he's doing great overall, so he won't be needing physiotherapy.
That surgery helped a lot, he can really feel the difference - and thank God for that!
Plus all this has made me realise:
My father is a tough guy.
Thanks again guys. Much appreciated and obliged. *courtsies*

- got a dias/negative scanner on sale. Now there's something to do on the long, cold, dark winter nights.
- going for a motorcycle ride with friends today. Sunshine, light breeze, up to 22 C - BBML.
And Rochie? Enjoy.
Thanks Vassili, I appreciate it.

Got a new cellphone today.
Had the choice between HTC smartphones, iPhone, Nokia - and got myself a Sony Ericsson.
I hate Nokia, everyone has got iPhones, HTC are nice, but...I Love SE's.
After my friend gave me the 1/32 P38 kit he came back and gave me 2 more 1/48 p47d and a 1/48 spit mk 21 he didn't want them and nor did I so I sold all of them for $17 dollars wanted 25 but no one else did so I dropped price and away they went took 6 days
Start of my 2nd day in my new position at work! Yesterday went great, think I'm going to enjoy working in our engine shop quite a bit!

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