What Cheered You Up Today?

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Starting at a new project Monday. It will last 4 years and is a 5 minute drive from my house. Also took today off, so I should be able to get some work in on my 2 Group Build models.
I got myself a brand new Parker Frontier fountain pen (black/brushed steel), and I found a cool old rocker blotter with brown leather, plus an old faux leather box I can use for my pens.
Damn, that collection is growing fast!

Retired police inspector Einer Lind was incredibly kind and generous to me today.
I met him a few days ago, and we talked about the book - his memoirs - that he has written.
I asked him if I could get him to sign my copy of his book for me - and today he had a meeting at the museum, and he had brought a copy of his book for me, plus he signed it.
Now that's both very very kind and generous in my opinion.
Heheh, he was happy, because - as he told me: "It isn't very often that I meet someone from my fan club!" *giggle*

And mom and dad finally got an apartment.
Plus dad's been to see his physician, it's good to know that he's being monitored good and well.
just got Spitfire The Canadians Vol 1 by Robert Bracken for $35 incl shipping off Ebay they want over a 110 on Amazon. Have Vol 2 and its a great book with lots of photos and such. Robert lived about 400 metres from me , I met him and he asked me ober to see his library of pics which were pretty cool as his Dad was a photographer with the RCAF overseas . Before I had yje opportunity he passed so I never saw the full collection

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