What Cheered You Up Today?

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Took the day off sick, my knee has been acting up big time during the weekend. Scheiss verdammtes Dreckswetter! (Sh***y bloody bad weather!)
Now *that* was a much needed rest. Will be back at work tomorrow.

And the best news today:
Dad went to see his physician today together with mom, and the physician cut back big time on all of dad's heart medicine, as it was making him faint and feel really ill.
Thank God for personal physicians who know their patients really well!
Hopefully dad'll be feeling a lot better tomorrow!
Beer tonight and an airshow in the morning! This year is the Snow Bird and Fifi will be flying in. WOH made arangments to have a F22 demo for the first time. The bad news is the AF cancelled. All F22 are grounded for a retro fit or something. At lease this year we will not get rained on, we are in a drought.

Met up with Vic and his wife Hil, over from Oz, with Karl (rochie) yesterday, and had a pleasant lunch at an old coaching house near me. The weather cleared and was perfect for a short tour of the local area, then Karl and I sampled a few pints (well, quite a few!) last night, before Karl headed back 'up north' this morning. Really enjoyed seeing Vic and having a good 'chin wag' with Karl.

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