What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Just ordered my first electrical guitar + amp - a Fender kit.
I've been playing classical and acoustic guitar for many years until a long hiatus.
It's time for something new. (Hm, I wonder how "Malagueña" will sound, metal-style! *giggle*)
DAMN I'm beginning to feel really really sorry for my neighbours!
No worries though, I've got headphones.
AND realising that the skin on my chord hand fingers resembles fo**skin more than anything else, when it comes to sensitivity!
Ah well, I guess I'll be able to work on that in a couple of days!
I spent all Sunday afternoon looking at warbirds with my father. maybe I will have pictures soon. Big news , I finaly have 3 job interviews for next week!

Good luck with the move mate. Will e-mail you after you're settled, with dates for Jan's visit and Elvington trip - sometime in the last two weeks of this month.

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