What Cheered You Up Today?

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Only one week to go until a 5 day vacation. Gonna hit the woods and see if I can bag a Wild Turkey (not the kind in a bottle, that comes afterwards). Don't really care if I even get a bird, I just want to get out of town and sit in the woods away from the rat race.
Found a bracelet and a couple of earrings to match the "Heart of the Ocean" necklace I've got.
I'll be going to a friends' 30th birthday in may, and all us lasses that have been invited, and who know each other, have decided to gang up, buy a common pressie (- it'll be a really nice one, we're 17 ladies who know each other) and dress up - big time!
It means big dresses and jewelry all over, so now I'm on the lookout for something nice to wear (- apart from the jewelry) that doesn't cost a friggin' fortune, like a gala gown.
Thinking about going goth style, as I'm not wholeheartedly into "pretty princess stuff".
Maybe jeans, black corsage, black leather jacket, black fingerless half gloves, military boots, hair done in spikes, heavy black and blue makeup to match the jewelry - and abovementioned jewelry.
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Holey smokes, a Gretsch White Falcon. Let me know where you do your banking Now you just need a good Fender Bassman amp, a nice tube reverb, delay, and slick your hair back into a pompadoir and you'll be ready to go.

Slick my what now into a....

Dam Jan, now that's sweet!

Yup! Can't wait to get it!

All I need now, is a crash course in Rockabilly guitar handling! 8) Cheers lads!
Received the new padded guitar strap today, plus the two sets of strings that I ordered.
Lemme tell you this, guys:
If you ever order anything from Thomann.de, rest assured that things will be wrapped thoroughly before being sent from Germany.
I had ordered a broad black leather guitar strap with soft padding, and two sets of SIT strings, and you should believe that this would be sent in one of those bubble wrap-lined envelopes, right?
My things arrived in a big cardboard box, filled to the brim with big bubble plastic cushions - and hiding in the farthest corner was the stuff I ordered. *giggle*
Oh well, I certainly can't blame 'em for not wrapping my stuff well enough.
Job interview next Monday. The two this week was a waste of time. If I can get this job, I am ordering the HK B-25J in 1/32 scale and decals for the 13th AF Nasty Nancy.


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