What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Being told,after three hours in A+E that there were no bones broken in my foot,crushed,right behind steel toe caps,by one section of a 2 and 1/2 tonne truss!
Things could have been a lot worse.
Steve (now experimenting with crutches and pain killers!)

No tap dancing for you for a while, Steve...take care man!

Sounds painful! Broke all the toes in my left foot many years ago. Not much they do other that give you drugs. I couldn't even use crutches as I had a separated shoulder at the same time that was put back together with a couple large screws. Not fun at all, I feel your pain.
Went and bought two 1 tb external drives, one for my tv, and one for my comp.
I received an error message when I was copying my photos from yesterday's motorcycle ride, onto the comp: You're out of disk space.
Oh no, not again!!!
And while I was at it, I could just as well buy two HDDs, so that I can record on my telly.

Tested the timer function this evening, a three-part documentary about the battle of Britain started tonight on one of the danish tv channels.
Okay, I learned that it's *vital* that you *confirm* your recording in the timer programming function, instead of just pushing the "exit" button to go back to the main menu...
But knowing said channel, it's just a matter of time before they air the programs again, so I think I'll get another chance at recording the mini documentary series.

And I have just received word that a JG 26 book ought to be in the mail and on its way to me.
*virtual-reality-hugs the sender*
Off work at Noon today, then drive north to start a 5 day Turkey hunt tomorrow. No TV, no rush hour traffic, no rat race for 5 days!!! Weather is supposed to be cold and crappy, but I don't care, I'm outta here shortly.
^ ...and get confused at a faster rate?
Jokes aside, congrats w. your fast connection, Marcel.

Scored a beautiful chinese desk set and a whole sealskin at my local thrift shop today.
Am going to clean up the desk set gently - it's black lacquer and painted with beautiful little branches and flowers in gold and light pink.

I'm going to make mittens of the sealskin, since I've always wanted a pair of greenlandic seal mittens, but they cost an effin' fortune if you have to buy 'em, so I'll just make 'em myself. Hah.
Figuring out what was causing the whine from my engine compartment, and the fix did not cost me a new alternator, or any money for that matter. Car repairs for me seldom go that way!!

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