What Cheered You Up Today?

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Boss ME-5 pedal board arrived today.
Friend Laila and hubby Poul even added a volume pedal for me - annnnnd a BMW key ring.
It is so totally sweet and kind and thoughtful of them, I'll call Laila later and thank her and her man.
Will test board after dinner.
Good choice. I use an old Boss GT-6 and am very satisfied with it. Mine has a volume pedal build in which I can switch into wahwah while playing. Good luck with the playing. WIll take some time to figure out the sounds
Marcel: Heheh, I bet...fortunately, I found a manual online which I then downloaded and printed.
Am definitely looking forward to play more with the board.

My happy things today:

Went on a bicycle ride for the first time since I picked the bicycle up from the workshop monday - gear handle was broken, got a new handle - it's so wonderful that it works again.
Weather was beautiful, sunshine, everything's turning light green, bushes are blossoming, spring has finally arrived to Denmark - and I need to get rid of my annual winter gut.

Visited one of my fave thrift shops on the way, and brought home a nice white Adidas t-shirt and Adidas grey/black track jacket, 75 DKK for both. Yay! That's 14 USD/8,2 £/10 euro.
Finally - finally - finally! Got hold of five balls of sock yarn: Regia World Ball - Deutschland.
I've re-christened it "The Sock Yarn Mein Kampf", because that's what it's been like to finally track down a seller that had it in store.
I bought the remaining five balls, there's 100 grams in each, that ought to be enough to keep me well-supplied with knee socks for a while.

Also bought a Boss guitar tuner.
The one that came with the electric guitar that I bought, couldn't hold a note even if I gave it a pair of pliers to help it do so!

Bagged a 28 pound Tom Turkey last week on opening day of hunting season. For those not in the know about Wild Turkeys, a 28 pounders is a big bird. My legs are still recovering from carrying bird, blind, decoys, shotgun, calls, etc.. the two miles out of the woods. Probably had around 60-65 pounds on my back, plus the weight of my big belly

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