What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Well Meatloaf, you know you've been to the ER a few too many times, when the nurse asks you: "Okay, I know that your birthday is January 10th, what was the year and the last four social security numbers?"
hey Hugh, you could gain valuable 'on the job' experience by being Maria's personal medical consultant ...... save her having to keep going to the Hospital !
Got paid the other day, forgot all about it until mom reminded me today.
Later I decided to take mom and dad's car to the car wash - then when I got outside, I decided not to anyway.
Freezing temps + car wash? No. Jut plain no.
Decided to go to the gas station anyway, just for the sheer heck of it.

Ran out of washer fluid on the way, then I could just as well do something about that right away.
Bought some washer fluid - 5 liter can - and refilled Wee Car. Thirsty lil' bugger, 2½ liters of the stuff went in.
Refueled as well, half a tank full of 95 octane á 12.52/liter = approx. 300 DKK. That's when I'm happy that Wee Car is economical to drive!

And I got the latest issue of Top Gear magazine, british edition. Didn't know they had that here in Skovlunde, Denmark.
So now I'm reading and relaxing.
God I love Clarkson, Hammond and May!

Ah, and for the first time since last monday I've been able to wear both shoes again - the toe swelling has gone down, and the toe isn't nearly as sensitive and sore as it was a couple of days ago. Me likey - esp. in this winter weather!
I've been wearing a tennis sock in an Adidas flipflop on the affected foot, it worked, but I got cold toes alright when going out, so finally being able to wear both shoes again is wonderful!
I may be greenlandic of origin, but there are limits!!!
I blame that thin-blooded german - Herr Heilmann - who's my ancestor, for this!
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Good luck, indeed.

We now have the public playground for the kids under 10 years, in the small town I live in.

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