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The snow in the yard looks like there has been a stampede of deer and jackrabbits during the night.
The jackrabbit tracks indicate my lady jackrabbit had more than one suitor vying for her attention.
Multi-tracks around the evergreens and up and down the snowdrifts.
Wonder which one got lucky?8)
Took my new brass cartridges and Willhelm le Batard Enfield Snider out for their first try. So much easier to load than the plastic 24 gauge ones. The load (2.5 grammes) of 1.5F black powder, loads of carded wool filler and .600" ball were spot on first time! I was a lapin of happiness.
1. Contracts are signed for an apartment in Engadine NSW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we can bugger up our own place.

2. I get the satisfaction of telling my stingy landlortd to Find another sucker to rent this sh!t hole!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

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