What Cheered You Up Today?

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I feel like John Wayne just before the sniper got him.
Bills are caught up, and still got some money.
Two new models on the way, ordered by the old woman without my input. (she just wanted to.)
Found two back painted on glass pictures (1916, and 1917) at the dump today; checked on the web, $300.00 each.....
The old woman put out in the afternoon, (we both had the day off)....
12 pack of beer after a great dinner,...
I can feel the crosshairs.
Congrats and very well Done Hugh.

me i have just got to get through today at work then i am off for a week, with a trip to Elvington on thursday to catch up with Dogsbody.
even got the wifes permission to stay out late so one or two intoxicating beverages may be consumed !
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What's this 'may' thing?

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