What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Completing Gears of War. After failing completely to defeat the final boss about 10 times, I somehow managed to kill him in all of 30 seconds. Now back to the beginning on Hardcore difficulty where I can have a bit more fun with the best weapon since Doom's shotgun - the chainsaw bayonet
just ordered some books, i've been waiting four months to order them but something else always got in the way, the books heading my way :D :D :D

To Fly and Fight
The First and the Last
Wing Leader
Five Years,Four Fronts
Men of Air
Fighter Boys
Nine Lives
Saw the Air Crash Investigation show about the South African Airways flight 295 B-747B 200 combi crash of November 1987 near Mauritius after it broke up in mid air after a fire started on the main deck cargo hold. I have been searching so long for it and saw it at last.
Saw a documentary on airplane crashes yesterday. Now, if my plane goes down on my way to London (or back), I'll know what to do... And more importantly, what not to do.

The only small problem is that my flight is booked for mid-september... So the water in the Atlantic is gonna be freezing cold... :coldcold:

Now all I have to hope is that security on British Airways' planes is as good as they say, so I won't have to use that knowledge. :rolleyes:
no guys i am not a terror on the road....
AND if i may point out i do not live in brisbane, move up 'bout 2 and 1/2 hours and you'll be there near Gympie. any way just racked up my first hour of road driving :evil4: watch out i'm a redneck in a landcruiser with L plates :)
no guys i am not a terror on the road....
AND if i may point out i do not live in brisbane, move up 'bout 2 and 1/2 hours and you'll be there near Gympie. any way just racked up my first hour of road driving watch out i'm a redneck in a landcruiser with L plates

"AP NEWS: QUEENSLAND: Police are looking for a hit and run driver that cause destruction on a stretch of Samford Road 22 Saturday in which 10 people - including 3 farmers, 2 children, a housewife and a spandex-clad bicyclist were injured. Also reported hit were 3 dogs, a dingo, 250 rabbits and 2 wallabees. Property destruction amounted to several Flame trees, 1,237 postal boxes and a wheelchair. Witnesses stated a late model SUV type vehicle was ripping down the road while the driver was shouting, "Woo-hee! Crikey!!" Nobody's feelings were hurt in the incident."

With those roadkills, he's almost up to Hartmann's caliber, let's see....3 dogs, 250 rabbits and two wallabees....the 10 people will be counted as damaged...

The trees and postal boxes are groundkills and will not be counted...

So, 255 kills and 10 damaged! WAY TO GO Jason!

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