What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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OK, fine. That should work, if Karl's new job allows. We'd also talked about going to the Jet Heritage Museum at Gloucester on either 25th or 26th March, which is only open on weekends, so we might be able to do that after meeting up with you and Hans.
I once got a call from a guy named John, who wanted to know if I was the Greg Boeser who just got back from Iraq. I was, but who was he? The award winning aviation game designer, JD Webster. He was a pilot with Delta at that time, and had a layover in the Twin Cities, and, since I was one of the online playtesters for his game, would I like to get together for a game while he was in town?
Does the Pope shit in the woods?!!
So you just never know when some faceless online contact might end up on your doorstep.

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