What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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It's Friday, weekend is almost here. Weather is going to be awesome, fall like all weekend. My favorite time of year.
Got new tires on the truck so I can dare to hit the road for a short road trip again without fear of blowing out a tire.
Just got paid as well.
Going to Mosselbay (a seaside town about 50km from where I live) with a friend and have a beer at a real english pub and having to see someone I have not seen a quite a time.
About a day and a half of work left this week, then three days of hiking and Bow hunting in one of my new favorite places in Minnesota. Lots of bluffs and hills and wildlife. Don't really care if I harvest an animal (Deer), just nice to be out in the woods all alone for a few days.
Got up early as my young daughter was visiting at 06.30, and saw a strange bright light in the sky. She informed me it was the Sun! I'd forgotten what it looked like. What a nice day!

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