What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Saw my 'Specialist' at the hospital today. Looks like I'm going to be able to have one of the new anti-TNF 'wonder drugs' to help combat the Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is only available, in the U.K, to those where everything else hasn't helped. Won't 'cure' me, but should improve things dramatically! Best news I've had since I found my parachute worked on my first jump!
Nah course not Terry ,it's just our govt would rather give money to lazy people than operate an "Air Force" now I embarrassingly call it a flight school

There operational costs apparently didn't fit into the budget ,so they were withdrawn from service along with the skyhawks.Now with a new govt National things will hopefully change

although an ex-RNZAF engineer has said "it'l cost millions to get them operational again" .As their condition has deterioated while being stored.Our Skyhawks are worse off because about 6months ago they were put into open storage due to them being to costly to store in a hangar.So basically our only "strike wing" is sitting in a field covered in condoms" I say that seriously as they're covered in latex which is "leaking" hence about 3 months ago their ejection seats were taken out incase the explosives got wet.

pathetic really
Good going Bomb'.
Congratulations on your result, Chris, and what a result! 100%, fantastic!
Daniel, sounds like your country had some d**k heads (in Govt.) controling the Air Force. Good to know you've got some aircraft back; if you need anymore, Gordon Brown might let you have some cheap, the way things are over here!
Well done Chris, congrats!

Took my Mum out for a surprise Dinner last night, rest of the family was waiting at the restraurant...boy was she surprised to see everyone!
....It's her 70 birthday on Wednesday.:D

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