What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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For about 20 years I've been researching my family's history - doin' the Roots thing. But I've never been able to go past when my grandfather got off the boat from England around 1900.

the other day my Uncle from Boston somehow found a relative in GB who was doing the same thing but was stuck when the boat left. We're in contact and "bam" missing pieces falling into place.

It appears my father's family originated in Scotland!! Lucky, eviction papers are in the mail!!:)

BTW - cool siggy Adler!!
It's Friday, what more could be said.
Got some work done on the Guitar I'm putting together last evening and this morning. So far looks pretty good and not too diffucult, but the hard stuff is yet to come so my next post about my guitar building experience may be in the What Annoyed You Today Thread;)
For about 20 years I've been researching my family's history - doin' the Roots thing. But I've never been able to go past when my grandfather got off the boat from England around 1900.

the other day my Uncle from Boston somehow found a relative in GB who was doing the same thing but was stuck when the boat left. We're in contact and "bam" missing pieces falling into place.

It appears my father's family originated in Scotland!! Lucky, eviction papers are in the mail!!:)

BTW - cool siggy Adler!!

That's awesome. Good for you.

Bad east coast weather finally cleared!

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