What Cheered You Up Today?

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Truck is finally being worked on in the repair shop. Hope to be up and running by tomorrow. Will be nice to have my own Truck back again after a week of being without one and spending the 4 day Holiday weekend stuck at home.
Now, there may be a post in the "What Annoyed you Today" later after I learn how much the repair work is going to cost me!
Get off the Sidewalks, finally got the Truck running again. Repair shop installed a Helocoil and new spark plug, then said the Alternator was out when then started it up. Wanted to charge me an arm and a leg to repair.
Picked it up last night and drove it home in the dark with no alternator to run the electrical system, just the battery. Of coarse I had to stop at every stoplight between the shop and home, and had to wait for one Fire Truck to go past. Just made it home as the battery went dead.
Threw battery on a charger, replaced the drivebelt and alternator and I'm back driving and doing damage.
Nice to have Transportation again.
Good news Buck! I still haven't got my ignition lead sorted out - nobody can identify the darned fault, even though I'm sure it's the main lead from the dizzy to the electronic coil. Should have kept the Land Rover or Range Rover - idiot's technology!

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