What Cheered You Up Today?

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The Buxom Blonde behind the counter at the liquor store this afternoon. She was dressed to kill and would have been a great addition to the Breaking News thread if I had a picture. Somehow I don't think she would have appreciated me taking a picture of her though;)
my bf109 K-4 for the group build arrived today and after a bit sort out at home i've managed to blag a small room/large cupboard as a modelling room


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Looks neat Karl.
Cheered up by Seesul's pics in 'Breaking News'! Rochie and I are planning on visiting Roman this summer; with all those beauties (the aircraft of course!) looks like mine might be a one way ticket!
All but finished my essay! Only requires a bit of tidying, sorting the references and proff reading. Now all that remains is a 5000 word report on the Battle of Britain and exam revision - for next Friday. Hmmm.............

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