What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Lost 10 pounds of weight in about two and a half weeks. Now have another 40-50 more to go. Been hard to loose and keep it off the last year with a re-occuring Achillies injury.
Oh yeah, just received an e-mail from the people building my new takedown Longbow/Recurve combo will be ready to ship to me in a week. Now I have to get some arrows ready for it.
Had a great time at the Fest last night. Hung out in the Beer Tent with 5000 other people having a great time. Stood up on the benches most of the night singing German beer songs such as these below (note these are not from last night, I did not have my camera):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGF1wFj9FSI

My personal favorite Sierra Madre del Sur.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYaeJJFBR_Y

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiyssVMR9EI

Besides the good music and 1L mugs of frosty golden beer, all the women running around in traditional German dindl such as these is a lovely sight!

I have just found out that a Great International Air Show will be held at Batajnica Air Base (10km of my town) on 13th September this year...

I don't know yet how many countries will participate but as far as I managed to find out it seems sure that Frecce trikolori (sorry if i have it misspelled) will come, Greeks with F-16 and some other aircrafts, French with Alpha Jet...

It probably doesn't sound much for most of you guys, but I am so excited becouse I never saw live any of these aircrafts and who knows maybe some WW2 warbirds will be present too since this Air Show is being organized in celebration of 100th anniversary of aviation in Serbia. That would be so awsome!

I am also excited becouse this will be first International Air Show in Serbia since 1997... There were some Air Shows in the meantime of course (including two last year and one of them at Batajnica) but only with participation of our own Air Force...

So, this news really cheered me up today...

excellent for you , remember the best part of an air show is usually when the aircraft arrive or depart

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