What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Has anyone seen the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
its a officer who is charge of a SS Death Camp son who wanders out of the house and befriends a young boy on the other side of the wire
The Fourth Kind

Terrible movie, all the exciting parts are in the previews, and the "scary" parts are way overactted. Also the previews say that it is based off a true story and is using "archive" footage, but it is all a lie. The "archive" footage is hecka fake.
Has anyone seen the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
its a officer who is charge of a SS Death Camp son who wanders out of the house and befriends a young boy on the other side of the wire

EXCELLENT movie! Part of me wanted to and another part wanted to at the end. The characters were very excellently done.

For - awesome (truly awesome) special effects.

Against - usual Hollywood daftness - billions dead but still we have a happy ending; people getting over bereavement in minutes, that sort of thing. I am beginning to think Roland Emmerich is a bit of a nutter, in and among the mass fatalities there were some cruel and entirely unnecessary individual deaths I thought.

Enjoyed it, in general, though!

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