What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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yeh the latest Star Trek movie is pretty good.
just watch crank 2 which is insane one of my top movies now and Fanboys.
"Famous Planes of the Luftwaffe", feat. Bf-109, Me-110, Ju-87 and the Me-262.
It's basically a beginner's intro to these four aircraft, but it's okay to spend a lazy friday night with.
Am making a lot of screen captures, too. :lol:
Always a classis..........."Woof Woof"

To you a hero is some kind of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on 3 Tigers.
Crapgame: Then make a DEAL!
Big Joe: What kind of deal?
Crapgame: A DEAL, deal! Maybe the guy's a Republican. "Business is business," right?

I always liked the Crapgame character. :twisted:


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