What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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Holy cr@p!! I've been wanting to do that for a few years now and never have the time. I have all 3 with the extended versions (much better) and they're about 4+ hours in length to each movie! Kudos Wayne!!

It's not easy getting 11 odd hours free to do it but Monday was a holiday anyway, nothing was open and I had put some gloss on my Ju88 on Sunday so the extra day's drying time suited me just fine!
"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"

Anyway, enough with the Snatch lines.

HBO is having a marathon of Indy Jones films and the last one I watched was the first one.
Saw "Master and Commander" again, and man...they sure left that wide open for a sequel!

Probably one of the best "age of sail" naval battles I've ever seen.

I am actually surprised that it hasn't had a sequel.
It's been a while but I do remember liking it a lot.

Galaxy Quest

I thought Alan Rickman was pretty funny in that one.
Alan Rickman was a hoot in that one.
A far cry from the charcter he played in Die Hard.

My last one:
Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Love Kelly's Heroes!!

We went into town and saw SHERLOCK.

Very good- loved the filming, the color, the flashbacks, Jude Law was superb.... hope there's a sequel (last lines were..... "Case reopened" Sweet!

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