What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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RA, an all-time favorite of mine. If you've got the DVD you have to watch the "deleted scenes". Talk about crying.


My fav of those is the scene with Plumley and the little 2ndLT, when Plumley gets reamed for not wearing his ribbons, and gets sent back to the barracks and told not to return until he's wearing his highest medal. So he comes back wearing nothing but the CMH around his neck.

Still....when Moore's wife is handing out the telegrams, I'm bawling.
Just got my 5 DVD set "Crusade in the Pacific", 10 hours in all...

Covers the pre-war buildup of Japan right through to post-war occupation. 100% archival footage from captured Japanese and Allied films. Some of which, I've never seen before. And there is plenty of sweet aircraft footage, too!

I'm only on the first disc, 4 to go

An interesting series for sure, just ignore the Battle of Milne Bay segment

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