What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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Didn't fel good today so watched a lot of stuff on DVD including Life of Brian, some of the first season of The Wire, a movie called Before the Rains (pretty good), Mangal Padney:the Rising (another favorite) and tonight a friend came over and we watched SLC Punk and then a Pentrex railrood video "Green Bay Route" All Alco trains from the 90s.
Saw the new Star Trek movie last Saturday. We were almost to the end of the movie and the projector quit. The movie stopped at the point where the core was dropped and they were going to fire upon the core to escape the gravity of a black hole. Not sure how it ends from there. Overall, it was a good movie, but definitely missing the original actors.
I watched "Patton" last night, and I've got "The Desert Fox" on the "To Be Watched"-shelf.
I bought a BBC documentary a couple of days ago, called "Auschwitz", about the concentration camp. Haven't seen it yet, though.
Haven't been to the movies but picked up a bunch of movies at the $5 bin at Wal-Mart yesterday.

"Death Wish" with Charles Bronson
"Gettysburg" with Martin Sheen
"The Thin Red Line" with abunch of pacifist actors
and a 4 DVD set of "WWII Movies" - 20 movies in all - "Gung Ho", "A Walk in The Sun", "Go For Broke", Corrigedor" (which must win the award for having the most type of aircraft and footage used to depict a single attack - Spitfires, P-36s, Bf 109, DVIIs, among others!).
No Retreat from Destiny:The Battle that rescued Washington- neat little Indy Civil War film about the '64 Invasion and the Battle of Monocacy and Fort Stevens (My favorite Civil War subjects)-covered pretty good for a very limited budget.
Had to get some flying done on my TV do I watch Battle of Britain again, one of my favorite movies (When I was little the first time I saw it it came on at midnight on a saturday night and my Dad and I stayed up till 3 am watching it- great memory!)
Did anybody see "Defiance" (Daniel Craig)? Its out on DVD now, and I was wondering if its worth renting. I'll probably rent it anyway, but wanted to know if there's any historical accuracy to it, or if its just another inaccuracy-riddled action flick with more attention paid to explosions, CGI and special effects than to anything resembling the truth.

Defiance (2008)

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