What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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I had the same thought. I felt bad at the end, because Stauffenberg died....but happy because it was Tom Cruise. Wonder how tempted the German actors were to use real bullets.....

Rabid, I saw "Defiance". Its an ok movie, nothing earth-shattering. Tank at the end surprised me - they tried to be authentic.

I remember reading somewhere (wanting to say "A Man Called Intrepid") that one of the resistance groups to benefit from British commando help was started by three brothers...Polish, I think....who ended up saving somewhere around one to two thousand Jews by hiding them in the woods. When the Germans would come to clean them out, the brothers would stage well-planned ambushes and/or move entire Robin-Hood-esque villages to another location. They shuffled this group around for like six or so years, and lost a miraculously small number in the process. When I saw the previews, I was thinkin this was based on their story.
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Just finished watching the documentary "American Teen". (Thanks to satellite TV ! ) Brought back memories of my high-school days... bad memories.

Geez... I'll turn 25 (only 25) in several days and I'm already talking like an old man.
Just finished watching the documentary "American Teen". (Thanks to satellite TV ! ) Brought back memories of my high-school days... bad memories.

Geez... I'll turn 25 (only 25) in several days and I'm already talking like an old man.

Hell I'll be 40 on the 26th..talk about feeling like a old man! (and I still feel like I was a teenager just yesterday most days)

I watched Mystery Alaska last night again- cute little movie.
Finally saw Star Trek tonight with my brother and father. Really liked it.

Vassili, can you pm me a brief run down on how it ends? We saw up to the point where the warp core was getting jettisoned and blown up to propel the ship out of the black hole, and the theater had a malfunction and could not restart. How does the timeline get put right? Just a brief update if you would be so kind. Did not want to use the free passes we got to see the last 20 minutes, and do not want to wait until it comes out on DVD.

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