two things for me come to mind.
1. ability (or explanation how) to put images in a PM
2. format for a/c data base...
I have about 640 entries for 355th FG Mustangs and T-Bolts, plus Honor Roll of dates, pilots, a/c serial numbers, MACR's etc for WWII and Viet Nam a/c plus Encounter Logs of all air battles fought by 355th during WWII for those trying to match up units and pilots in LW.
I am deep into the 8th AF day by day scoring - which will NEVER be 100% accurate or complete but will offer aggragate insight to ratios, types of a/c lost and causes, etc.
I would donate these plus other stuff I have collected to contibute such efforts - I'm sure some other very knowledgeable guys on this forum would do the same.
I have 'Above and Beyond' Narratives for all the 355th pilots that won DSC/AFC or MoH, plus pretty good bio's of each of the 21 air aces..
Group Histories - perhaps three paragraphs each.
How about Member Photo albums for units. I put 100 herre, same (some number - different shots) on Armyairforces.com - but I have a lot of other stuff. A lot of people get leery because of misuse but I'm more about historical completeness than commercial.
How about a 'side elevation' section for those that want to display their art - but in a specific format and size.
How about referencing all to units and cross reference to type
I would love this site and Peter Randall's to become the premier WWII 'Go to' Place for historical data - despite the insidious influence of cretin like squids which lurk in the shadows..
Wow! That's a generous offer of a lot of data. I am not sure where to begin with putting the pieces together for this data. Let me see if I can get ahold of Horse and see if there is a way we can put this up.
As for pics in PMs, it's not something that is currently set up, but was in the old forum. Let me see what I can do with that later tonight.