What would you like to see on this site?

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two things for me come to mind.

1. ability (or explanation how) to put images in a PM

2. format for a/c data base...

I have about 640 entries for 355th FG Mustangs and T-Bolts, plus Honor Roll of dates, pilots, a/c serial numbers, MACR's etc for WWII and Viet Nam a/c plus Encounter Logs of all air battles fought by 355th during WWII for those trying to match up units and pilots in LW.

I am deep into the 8th AF day by day scoring - which will NEVER be 100% accurate or complete but will offer aggragate insight to ratios, types of a/c lost and causes, etc.

I would donate these plus other stuff I have collected to contibute such efforts - I'm sure some other very knowledgeable guys on this forum would do the same.

I have 'Above and Beyond' Narratives for all the 355th pilots that won DSC/AFC or MoH, plus pretty good bio's of each of the 21 air aces..

Group Histories - perhaps three paragraphs each.

How about Member Photo albums for units. I put 100 herre, same (some number - different shots) on Armyairforces.com - but I have a lot of other stuff. A lot of people get leery because of misuse but I'm more about historical completeness than commercial.

How about a 'side elevation' section for those that want to display their art - but in a specific format and size.

How about referencing all to units and cross reference to type

I would love this site and Peter Randall's to become the premier WWII 'Go to' Place for historical data - despite the insidious influence of cretin like squids which lurk in the shadows..

Wow! That's a generous offer of a lot of data. I am not sure where to begin with putting the pieces together for this data. Let me see if I can get ahold of Horse and see if there is a way we can put this up.

As for pics in PMs, it's not something that is currently set up, but was in the old forum. Let me see what I can do with that later tonight.
Id Like to see something like this...

A personal little photo album where each member can upload 10 of his/her most favorite ALLTIME pictures... A Personal Top Ten Pics Section attached to each members name.... Sorta give a hint to other members as to what they find to be the most fascinating/visually stimulating things in WWII aviation....

I like Lucky's idea..I'm a kiwi by birth, but haven't been there for 12 years - the last six I've spent in Hungary which has very much become 'home'.
The main body of text on the main page is comprised of announcements by mods. These are very infrequently updated.. often weeks or months old (which is very understandable.. I wouldn't want to update the copy either).

But it is a little odd that the most valuable real estate on the site contains out dated information and comprises most of the page.

This forum software has different display modes... why not fill that section with "Recent Threads". Right now only 10 recent threads appear. You could triple that by using more space in the center and the site will look more up to date with zero effort after the set-up.

Or random "warbird of the week".. with copy and pasted information.. art work by members... ww2 photographs... recruitment posters... anything relevant that may be EASILY rotated weekly.

This is not just for the benefit of current users but new browsers. Anybody who just happens to stop by may get the impression that ww2aircraft.net is a slow site and this in far from a slow site, It is vibrant and active

Currently there are posts from Nov 28, Nov 1, oct 11, sept 25 and sept 20th.

The front page could be better utilized.
I can work on content updating for the main page, but I am not a PHP guru, so the others I am not completely sure of. The most recent threads are on the left side of the page if you scroll down though.

There are a number of threads that are probably due to be archived as well, including the ones on the main page. Since the airshow season has begun, we could highlight pictures from recent shows on the main page as well. I know there are several members here who could contribute to that. Pictures do have a tendency to draw people in to a site. Now how do I know that?...
I can work on content updating for the main page, but I am not a PHP guru, so the others I am not completely sure of. The most recent threads are on the left side of the page if you scroll down though.

My suggestion would make less work for you, not more. Just replace main body content with "Recent Threads" ... Or just slap up a new aircraft and some stats once a week.

It's too much work to write new articles.

How about images of recent airshows, progress of ongoing or completed warbird restorations, artwork or photos depicting events in military history for that particular day; stuff like that (in addition to recent posts).

I may be pushing my luck with this but how about "The Experts" section or something similar. There seems to be members who are experienced in one subject or another. Wurger and Erich on the Luftwaffe, Thunder on R/C, Syscom on Naval, etc,etc. Maybe a section where it lists the members expertise. Or as a sub-header to each section.

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