What's on The Workbench

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Yep, keep the pics coming. And you're right about the seat adjuster, I had a look at some slides I took inside the now lost BAe Mossie - which brought back painful memories of skinning my knuckles, banging my head, and getting a stiff neck after twisting to get in and out of the bl**dy thing!!!
Despite my dig at Airfix for the huge pre-launch price increase, I'm serioulsy tempted to sell my best-mates' daughter into slavery and get this kit. The space needed is a major problem though.
Now if Revell re-release the old 1/32nd scale Mosquito BIV, that's a more manageable size (just) and would be a nice, relatively straightforward conversion job.
the paint has fully cured now. Hopefully after I get some other things done, today i can actually put on the red. I may need tp pick up some gloss red cos I don't think I have enough. but we'll see.
I tried something new last night. Smart modeling (Yeah right). What I mean by that is that I have so many different projects going on at once I decided to hit all the parts that used the same color at once instead of individually like I usually so. So I mixed up a little flat black and hit the tires on the Blenheim, Typhoon, B-24, 1/144 Tomcat and 1/144 Hornet. I also hit the propellers for the Blenheim and Typhoon.

For some reason I had decided to hand paint the props for the B-24 the night before. looking at the results I regret it it. you live and learn. It never fails broke one of the Blenheim props and one of the B-24 props. Of course that was time lost to repairing them.

Then I took some olive Drab and hit the rockets for the Typhoon and the anti-glare panel for the B-24.

You can tell I'm in a long term relationship because that is how I spent my Friday evening.

Nice work Dirk. I too came to that conclusion with the black paint aspect. I just bought a black spray can from walmart and spray all the tires, props, and guns at the same time. Easy easy, no more hand painting on the bigger things.
Some times I would be working on 2 or 3 planes at the same time intentionally picking aircraft with similar paint schemes so I wouldn't have to change the color in my airbrush so often.
great progress on those birds!

well, I just started masking the 737's engines with this brand new tape i bought called Frog Tape. I hope it reaacts well too the oil based enamel i have
I tried the three-kits-at-a-time approach... bit nothing ever seemd to get finished. Now I'm just going to crank through ine at a a time. There's always something to be done.
Frog Tape has gotta be one of the best investments I've ever made. I pulled the tape off, and had NO bleeding whatsoever! I highly recommend it to all of you!

well here,s a bit more of the mossie its taken me a week to get to this stage so far notice the decals on the flare cartridges ouch fiddly or what but they look the mutts nuts.BB


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