Worst WWII Movie

Worst WWII Movie

  • The Eagle Has Landed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where Eagles Dare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Desert Fox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raid On Rommel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tobruk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Memphis Belle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Corregidor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Dirty Dozen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aerial Gunner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commandos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Flying Tigers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • El Alamein

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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I saw a PBS special on that. They had the two guys there that designed the glider and it flew beautifully.

Loved that 2-part miniseries!!!! I scoured various video stores for months, looking for that one, until I found it at HalfPrice Books. The book....amazing! The things they came up with to help escape (both from the inside, and stuff they came up with in London)....it boggles the mind what a human being can do when the chips are down. That, and "The Great Escape" are two of my fav's!

I voted for "Thin Red Line"...mainly cuz I'm exhausted after this weekend, and completely missed "Pearl Harbor" on the list. Fighter pilot volunteers to fly with the Brits, gets shot down and survives pancaking into the Channel, then gets conveniently shipped to Pearl to "recuperate"???? WTF was that? And then, after volunteering and appearing in about a dozen different places at once during the attack, they magnanimously decide to fly B-25s instead of fighters, apparently because there are no longer any B-25 pilots left in the world. My blood-pressure goes up just thinkin about the $8 I wasted seeing this crap in the theater.
TRL was a horrible movie...Watched it once and will never watch it again.
Pearl Harbor by a mile. In one word......UNWATCHABLE!

I can assure you my good friend that is it watchable ,You just NEED to be fairly drunk (from experience I know this) otherwise best of luck getting through it!

The whole Spitfire crash got me -then the whole 'heroic' I'm alive and it was night??? still trying to figure that one out

Seemingly made by kids for kids -A waste of hours on those Spitfire frames and Merlins!
I know one thing forget water boarding show PH on a repeat loop to those held in Gitmo and they'll sing like birds after the intro starts for the 2nd time.
On second thoughts better not the UN will class it as an extreme violation of human rights.
Can I only vote once and for only one flick? Pearl Harbor.....what a sh*tload of cr*p! Those that made and paid for that waste of time should be nailed to a door and castrated! The sad part is that they're probably proud of it...
Can I only vote once and for only one flick? Pearl Harbor.....what a sh*tload of cr*p! Those that made and paid for that waste of time should be nailed to a door and castrated! The sad part is that they're probably proud of it...

Well, Lucky, Michael Bay is more into special effects and explosions than historical accuracy or an actual plot, so he's probably very content with himself. Apart from the Rock and maybe Bad Boys, all his movies are crap.
On another note, why the F@@@ did they pick Ben Affleck to play Jack Ryan in the Sum of All Fears?! They turned one of my favorite hollywood characters into a pile of trash after they picked Affleck for that role.
Pearl Harbor was attacked once again, this time not by the Japanese, but Hollywood!!! U-571 was pretty bad as well. I actually didn't mind The Great Raid that other nominated, but wished they would have told the story of the people that spied and took intelegence around on the ourskirts of the camp to help plan the raid in addition to the help the natives gave in making it all happen. That was as compelling as the actual raid itself IMO.
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"The Great Raid" followed the book "Ghost Soldiers" (author Hampton Sides) pretty well. The book was about the 6th Ranger Battalion, and while it did talk about the help the guerillas gave to the Rangers, it didn't talk much more than the movie showed. I would've been fairly easy to just leave them out altogether, as most people wouldn't have ever bothered to wonder why there was a camp in the middle of nowhere with no Japanese Army units nearby or anything. The book/movie was about the rescue mission, which was undertaken without much intel or planning. I personally think Hollywood screwed up and did a superb job with this one.

I would love, however, to see a movie made about the Coastwatchers and other groups who faded into the jungles and generally made life for the Japanese Army very difficult. Most of the intel for this rescue mission came from a guy (American?) who evaded capture after Bataan and joined up with some local rebels. Now, THAT would be a movie to watch (provided the right director took it on and didn't royally muck it up)!!!

Father Goose..............

And a little bit of coastwatching in In Harms Way........except the coastwatcher was sitting on top of the hut while the Japanese officers were drinking their Sakae.

Does anyone remember a movie called the Devils Brigade?
I don't think Eagles Dare is really that bad, they had some fine stunts in that movie. The Characters weren't too bad, and the firefights are pretty exciting to watch. I don't know if it's that accurate, but it's about secret agents so often we don't know what they actually did! At least, the opening flying scene over snow capped mountains is pretty fun to watch, and Richard Burton gives a good performance, as does Clint.

The Memphis Belle is definitely worse, and in many parts felt a bit clunky, at least in the character department. It was fun to watch for the flying scenes, those I was disapointed in were the limited amount of P-51 vs. 109 scenes, but I guess I shouldn't since it was about a "bomber" crew, not a fighter one. Samwise Gamgee in it was entertaining, and the Captain character was all right, but they could have done the whole thing better.

Pearl Harbor though, was even worse, haven't really watched it all the way through . It's cgi really wasn't that good, might as well watch Tora Tora Tora if you want to see Zero's and P-40's, at least you are seeing actual planes most of the time. That does make me worry, I hope Lucas get's his CGI right on the planes, otherwise...... I think the trouble is people tend to make the 1940's look too sappy, I think it's entirely possible to make a serious love story in a WWII movie, but so far they have had trouble on it.

Didn't really care for the Eagle has Landed too much, the British being saved by the young American commander was a bit weird, couldn't the Brits get the Germans on their own?

The Desert Fox was not corny or even that inaccurate, James Mason did a good job as a Rommel in a sympathetic light.
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Father Goose..............
Does anyone remember a movie called the Devils Brigade?
I still watch Father Goose when it comes on and laugh.
Complete fiction but I do like the movie.

I liked the Devil's Brigade too.
Willliam Holden, Cliff Robertson, Claude Akins, Richard Dawson, et all.
The Devil's Brigade (1968 ) - Full cast and crew
One of the parts I remember well is the fine they receive after the bar brawl.

Surprised no one has mentioned the RAF Officer in PH yet. "If all Yanks are like you then God help anyone who goes to war with you" (or words to that effect. My God that was painful to watch, do people actually think Brits talk like that? I do rather like The Thin Red Line though
PH was riddled with complete fiction. Portraying Doolittle as a foul-mouthed hot-head was complete fiction. His staff and friends were all livid with that portrayal. They said he was cool and calculating a never cursed. Having had a distant cousin on the raid and having read Doolittle's biography, I can tell the screenplay writers had NO idea about the man.

The portrayal of Americans as the great saviors of Britain during the BoB was a HUGE disservice to the brave boys of the RAF who had the help of only about a handful of Americans, who, while giving a small amount of help, were by no means more than a very small few bits of cannon-fodder. Please, Hollywood, you owe every person who saw that pile of dung a refund, and an apology.

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