Wurger's 50th Birthday Thread!

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Tech Sergeant
Jun 30, 2008
London, England.
Yup, you read that right. Wojtek is now installing version 5.0 today. As soon as he's upgraded and rebooted (actually getting home from being on duty with the Polish Airforce more likely) he'll be on the T-Stoff celebrating his half century.

Sadly I'll have to wait until I get home too to drink to his health, but I'll make up for it later. :lol:

So please join with me in wishing Wojtek all the best on this very special birthday.

Have a good one my friend!!


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Wow....when I first read the title, I thought "dang, he's been here long enough to have 50 threads about his birthday? Either this site is older than I thought, or someone's got the wrong dates!" Happy birthday, bro! :occasion5:

Wow, the big half century, another excuse to crack open a bottle tonight. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my friend. Hope you have a great day planed and all the very best for the future.

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Hope you have a great day my friend, and have a very Happy Birthday. 50 eh? Still ten years behind me!
I'll have a 'T Stoff' or two tonight in your honour.
Moc serdeczności Wojtku z powodu tak niezwykłej, zdarzającej się raz w życiu, okazji!!! Zdrowia, pogody ducha oraz dóbr doczesnych w ilościach ciut przynajmniej większych niż potrzeby... no i realizacji planów modelarskich ( w tym moich tj. Liberatora KH152 F :) ). 100 LAT!!!
HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FRIEND!!!! Hope that you're having a great one with near and dear ones, I know....besides us here on the forum...!! Here's to at least 50 more!! :occasion5:
Hææææphiii bøøørsdææææj tuu juuuuh,
Hææææphiiii bøøørsdæææj tuuu juuuuuuuh,
Hææææphiii bøøørsdææææj diihiiiir Wuuurgeeeheeerrrr
Hæphibørsdæjtujuh! *stomp* :)


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