WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt??? Yea or Nay...

WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt... Yea or Nay...

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Thanks guys, I think this'll look great when it's printed up!

It's very hard to take something with that many objects and not have it look cluttered when you are done.
Very nice job GG.

Like I said, the small versions I've posted here don't look nearly as nice as the actual (printable) image.

This is a .jpg of the actual image:
(note that there is still a little color bleeding on this .jpg, especially around the Japanese roundel)


  • ww2ac_shirt3-final.jpg
    67.9 KB · Views: 96

I can't see it but my monitor is fairly old.

First attempt - I missed a few for the sake of balance, but only ones like Iraq, so should not matter..

Anyhow, views on this one:


  • ww2net_tshirt.png
    68.9 KB · Views: 91
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