Zaggs Ta 152H-0 - St./JG 301 'Orange' - and his attempts to keep things OOTB!

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@Wayne, hence the fact finding build - now that I'm aware of the issues, I will be prepared for the remaining Eduard kits (all 15 or 16 of them)... Sorting out stuff like the Fuselage Gun cover is just 'sand-fit'; the wing spar is a case of 'be careful'; the ailerons cure is don't glue the rear edge (which I didn't) and then pack it with some plastic strip... The only issue I have yet to formulate a better plan for is those wing gun hatches.

On other notes, the thing isn't anywhere near as 'strong' as a Dragon Fw 190D - ie, you can't GRAB it near as tightly (there is a LOT more flex in things once the fuselage is together and wings on) - and the plastic seems to vary in softness!!! You'll re-engrave lines and half way down the line, the tool just SINKS into plastic for no real reason! Solution is just to make lighter passes, but yeah! Compared to the Italeri Ta 152H, the Eduard Fw 190D at the same stage is possibly HALF the weight (wings, fuselage, cockpit, engine). Flash is an ever present issue too (I wouldn't have expected this much flash on a 'modern' kit).

The moral of the story is, like the Dragon Kits, they're going to make a damn nice looking D-9/-11/-13; its just they are also going to provide the odd 'hair-pulling' moment. BUT I also feel that once you build one (and discover all those idiosyncrasies), future kits will go together a LOT easier. I guess in my case, I have an advantage - I'm totally bald; shaven head totally bald, so any hair pulling I want to do, doesn't last long!

That said, if you build the Eduard D-9 (Profipack) with everything open, its going to make a kit that will be comparable in many ways to the Tamiya D-9 with the Verlinden Set in it (for half the price!!!)... And you wont have the hassles associated with closing all the doors up or cutting things open!
Nachtjäger Ta 152H??? More information Erich

My understanding is that the H-1/R11 (all weather) and C-1/R31 for that matter, were capable and slatted to fly "Wild Sau" style operations; but as a dedicated "Nachtjäger"?

Lets assume there was a dedicated Nachtjäger; what would be different about the a/c (antennae, camo, etc?) and in your little archive of info (that I would LOVE to go through! ), do you have any info on any specific a/c that were used in the Nachtjäger role - like WNr or Tactical Code?

I know, I ask a lot - but what do you expect? We're combining my two 'pet' luftwaffe subjects (which I beleive are yours too, Erich) - Ta 152 and the Nachtjagd!

Was it a '13'? You never know Erich, my good man! I mean, Ta 152 with 013 was a C, right, V13 110013 and as I understand, she was only used for structural testing and never really, I'm open for suggestions! Do tell more! 8)
Gents it was proposed and am still following up on some copied info I have from England of the Ta 152 variants. am thinking from the schematics it is a C variants but not positive and that aerials were to be shorten or reduced as much as possible to eliminate drag. due to the height advantages the Ta was suppose to have favored for the crate am going to assume a non 4 engine interceptor and most likely the thought was for an advance S/E Mossie hunter. due to the infancy of this project not test nor radar/arms trials conceived as far as I know. the whole thing is quite plausible but of course the TA H variants needed more testing during daylight ops for performance which of course really never happened. am not real sure if there is enough materials on this projection to include in my work but who knows . . . . . .

now remember the R11 package for the Fw 190 does not necessarily mean radar equipped but certain bad weather radio detection devices were installed, this for the A-6, A-7 and even A-8 in the NF unit and tester NJGr 10 and an amount of Fw 190 A-9's that served in JG 301 though the pilots many of them ill experienced in bad-weather flying probably did not even know what or how to use the devices already installed
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Well, do fill me in with as much as possible if you like Erich, as there were no '13' Ta 152H or C seeing any action. For what I've found, the C with W. Nr 110013 (did I get it right, writing from memory here...?), was only used for structural testing and was never completed... So my Ta 152H-1 is fair game!
well to be perfectly honest we do not know if there was a number 13 for a TA 152H-0 in III./JG 301. the records are very incomplete but in that gruppe with allocations of 35 Ta 152H-0's then who really knows. Reschke and the available pics of TA's which is very few there is no way of knowing either way. we have surviving Flugbuchs of several pilots but they did not fly a # 13 so far as we have found......
OK, so we seem to be talking along two threads here - one is the All-Weather Rüstaz (R-11), which seemed to be a starting point for the 'basic' Wilde Sau operations and then for building a Radar Equiped NF from (eg, A-6/R-11/U2 and A-8/R-11/U2, with various Neptune/FuG2xx installations).

I can see how the H-0/H-1 and C-1 variants (with the All Weather gear on board), could have been employed like the Fw 190A-6 to Fw 190A-8's were, as well as things like the Bf 109G-6 and G-10 (ie: Radar Vectors and GOOD EYESIGHT), which is all well and good... BUT when we start fitting FuG218 and FuG220 (ie, either in the form of the 'spikey' antennae, like the Fw 190A-6/R11/U2 and Bf 109G-6/AS/N, or diapole mounts like the Fw 190A-8/R11/U2 and etc), that gets interesting!

But, a Ta 152 with some manner of Neptune intercept radar, would have been interesting! The Fw 190C series was originally planned to have a shrouded exhaust (on the Jumo213 power plant), so to stretch the concept a bit further, it wouldnt be unreasonable to picture a C-, H- or even E-series a/c with this exhaust and the smaller FuG antennae being used to hunt at night. If as you say, the primary role was as a mosquito-hunter, the C- or E-series makes more sense (in fact, to me, an E-series makes the most sense, assuming the Fw 190C style exhaust was going to be used, as the development on the Jumo 213 engine was already done!)...

Maybe this RV Resin Fw 190C-0/V-20 I have, might have to get short wings and some antennae, plus a Nightfighter type scheme???

personally I feel the R 11 package had nothing to do with a pure NF S/E FW 190. I say this with a heading on one loss from JG 300 stating an A-7/MK N, the N in this case does not mean Nacht but Neptun fitted - FuG 217 with vertical aerial elements
in the JG 300 volumes there are listings of A-7 and A-6 Fw 190's with N and in those cases they doe mean special ops as night fighters all in II./JG 300 before it became a heavier Sturm unit in July of 44.
So there are some 'N' Fw 190A's that DID NOT have the R-11 Rüstatz fitted? In my readings/research I can't remember ever coming across it explicitly stated that the NF's did not have the R-11 fitted - in fact it always seems it was implied that they DID have the R-11 fitted to these Neptune equiped a/c.

In a way (and as stated above) it 'feels' logical to have the R-11 on a NF - you need to navigate so you can find your way home/to the bomber stream/where ever, and R-11 is the Rüstatz that gives you that capability. However, if you were getting Vectors from ground radar, I guess you could do with out it!
Hehehe - Just got inspired and drew up a concept for a Ta152C-1/N based nightfighter in RLM74/75/76, with a black wing (because I really like that) and Neptune antennae...
R-11 was additional avionics to bring an aircraft what was then called an 'All Weather' fighter - I beleive it contained various Radio, Homing and Direction Finding 'stuff'. Was supposed to provide for blind flying, though this did not include blind landings as far as I know... Blind landing systems of the time were too big to mount in single engined a/c - they were typically found on Ju88's, Bf110's and He219's...

And no, R-11 had NOTHING to do with Neptun directly. Neptune/FuG2xx was an air interception radar; R-11 was basically blind naviagtion equipment.

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