1/48 Finnish Brewster dio "Unofficial GB"

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It will test everything I have learned in here Vic........

I've wanted to do a dio for a long time, I guess this is it!
And need to add "after the battle" to the title of the thread????
I am waiting on some interior detail parts.
When I get them I will be posting cockpit progress pictures!!!!!!
I best get crackin!
With Wayne!

Re the adding of the title: It might pay to in future, in case it causes confusion with the regular Group build topics, but (unless the GB judges disagree) I don't think you need to change it here now. What do the judges reckon?
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Can't see a problem with the thread title, as it won't be judged. As long as any other 'entries' are clearly marked 'Unofficial' all should be well.
Too funny, I just pulled out my Airfix Brewster Buffalo kit earlier this week as I finally found a paint scheme i want to build. 8)It isn't Finnish so I won't be able to join in but I will be following 8)
Doing some of the first bit. There are no locating pins on this kit. Actually this makes it a bit easier because I usually file these off anyway. Fitted the resin ribs provided in the wheel wells, no mod at all. Don't know why, in the water tehy will be "inbizzible". Built up the motor mount assy and the floor plate of the cockpit. Gluing the wing sections together. These must be filed flat or the trailing edges will be a foot thick in scale. Now the gun barrels????? What the? Two seats? The ribbing in the cockpit is going in. Haven't gotten the cockpit resin set yet. Hannants better harry up I'm getting antsy.

Finish the ribs and add some wiring to the round engine. I press on.
Looks like only having one to build is a bit of a builders delight!!!!

No work today so I am plodding along. A lot of overlap in the die work, lots to clean off to get all the seams to work. Wings were as bad as the tail feathers. Had to use some Mr Surfacer on some gaps in the leading edge of the wings, my fault. Finished the stringers of the cockpit. Am happy with them. Practice makes perrrrfect. Dry fit again.

C'monnnn. Someone else climb aboard.
It doesn't have to be Finnish to enter. LOL

*I have made the mistake of NOT getting this kit in this version instead going a little cheaper for the USN version thinking I could find decals . Anyone have connections to get the decals for this Finnish bird???? I've missed a set on Fleabay, and Mike Grant is not answering emails as he has a set available. Seems he is doing family stuff instead of producing new decals..... Bloody h3ll.
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Good luck with the decal hunt Bill, and nice work so far!

...and I've got a project lined up for this build 'soon' - found a stash of pics of the RNZAF Mosquitoes being scrapped - heartbreaking, but interesting diorama theme... (Want to push on with the GB entries first though.)

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