1/48 fm halifax.... guess who's back !!!!

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hi gang and a big thankyou again for the inspiring words

not be long now i glossed her up to apply the 102 sqd decals, the kits decals are a bit too translutant but laid down nice and flat, the bomb bay doors are a right pain to put together, there are 8 seperate parts for the doors and getting them all level well you can imagine , i've put up a picture to show how they SHOULD look, i was going to glue all the doors flat but they are set at an angle as in the picture.

feels as if i've been in this position before !

just few shots showing built up parts !

thanks for looking.
Thanks ian. Having spent nearly an hour looking at the thread, the first thing I have to say is 'Well Done!' You made a great job out of what seems to be a b***h of a kit!
The second thing I'll say is, I've now got nearly an hours worth of reasons why NOT to get this kit! Such a shame, as a decent Halifax in 48th scale would be most welcome, and the reviews (unbuikt) have been good. Very misleading, going off the kit contents etc. As I mentioned earlier, i think I'd rather have two of the new Tamiya Lancs, than one FM Halifax; I'll have to consider down-scaling the proposed Halifax diorama, and try it in 1.72nd scale. Thanks again Ian, you've been a great help.

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