1/48th scale Hurricane MkIIc, 136 Sqn, India, 1943.

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Thanks guys. haven't got any more done, as i woke up this morning and could hardly move. can only just type at the moment - bl**dy arthritis !
Well, it's almost finished. I've just got to add a few small bits, finish the base, and collect the brass title plate from the engravers. I should have some pics posted sometime over the weekend.
Sorry guys, no pics yet! The model itself is finished, and the base is almost complete. However, I've twisted my arm, and can't continue or hold a camera at the moment, due to lack of grip. It's easing off now, after 28 hours, so i should have the finished pics tomorrow (Monday).
Cheers Andy. Not arthritis this time - some bl**dy idiot fell against my arm, which was draped over the back of my chair, in the pub on Saturday evening. It bent the wrong way, straining the muscles and tendons etc, and feels 'dead' at the moment - until i try to grip, or raise the arm, then it hurts like **** !
That's a bit of a sad tale Terry trust the beer was good, take it easy mate and hope you mend soon.

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