As promised, a few pics.
PIC 1.The main section of the cockpit has been assembled, and given an initial thin, brushed coat of cockpit green, lightened with a spot of white for 'scale effect'. This will have a second coat before painting the details. The pilot's back armour was rather thick, so this was filed down to a more scale appearance.
PIC 2. The oxygen bottle has been added, made form shaped sprue, and the oxygen hose from stretched sprue, textured by crimping in a pair of pliers.
PIC 3. Like the cockpit assembly, a thin, brushed coat of Cockpit Green has been applied, with a darker shade on the lower surfaces, to create depth. The moulded and added details have their basic first coats applied, and will be done properly after the walls receive some shading etc. The other details, such as the landing gear selector etc, will be added later.
PIC 4. The wing centre section has been roughly painted in a darker shade of the cockpit colour, to create a shadow area.
PIC 5. The seat as provide in the kit.
PIC 6. The first stage of modification. The depression for the parachute pack closing flap has been cut and filed, the notch for the ripcord strap cut and covered with card, and the seat sides and pan thinned, as well as drilling out the hole in the back.
More soon, and thanks again for your kind comments and interest.