1:570 HMS King George V - Unofficial GB. (1 Viewer)

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Thanks Wojtek I really appriciate your help.

Meanwhile, until I get the right shades of grey, I made this:

Almost finished, have to repair a few little things.
Looking forward to seeing this one finished. I might need to enter this GB to get back to where I started with 1/700 ships BUT instead build them correctly and not as wreck to go in a fish tank!
Great, the more the better. Will be great learning form you guys!

BTW guys, don't expect too much of this build. When I said I'm a beginner, I meant it. I really have to learn everything.

So my new question is: I noticed when I tried to 'mock' assemble the deck on the hull that there is a hole at the stern between the deck en the hull. I'll have to fill it up somehow. It's about 1 mm wide, maybe a little less. Is that what you use milliput for? At least that is something they sell here. And how does that work?
First of all , please check if both halves of the hull get a good fitting together. Also please check if there isn't any "obstacles" at the deck edges and top edges of the hull that can stop getting the proper fitting. Usually a such gap is a problem with good fitting of parts caused by incorrect moulding of edges. For instance the deck edge was moulded with a vertical wall while it should be tapered down going from the top surface of the deck. It is possible it can be enough to correct the edge at one area and get a good fitting at other ones. Also you should check if it is possible to press the hull at the area to the deck edge. But if a mussel doesn't open, don't eat it. The rule should be followed all the time if you don't want to break anything.

As far as the putty is concerned.... the Miliput requires sanding that may lead to getting the texture of the deck , etc...damaged. Because the gap is between the deck and the top edge of the hull ( broadside ) I would suggest using the Gunze Mr. Dissolved Putty for filling of the chink. It can be easy applied with a toothpick or a thin brush. Its excess can be removed easily with a soft rag soaked with a thinner for acrylic paints. So you don't have to use a sandpaper. However you are going to use the Humbrol enamels, judging by numbers of colours you asked for in the post above. Well.. in the case I would suggest using your own putty that should be the mixed talcum powder and the light grey Humbrol 64 for instnce. Its proper thickness you can get adding less or more of the grey enamel. It's up to you only.
Applying of the kind of putty is like for the Gunze one. The excesses also can be easy removed with a rag soaked with the Humbrol thinner. The removing of the excesses is better to do in a while after applying while the mixture is quite "fresh". I'm telling about the mixture because the acrylic dissolved putty may react chemically with the Humbrols enamels.
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Ah thanks Wojtec. I'll check, but I think the gap is there because there is a part missing ath the rear end of the deck. Probably my mistake when I took it out of it's frame. The talcum powder seems pretty easy to do. Probably have experiment with the ratio.

I'm using humbrol indeed as that seems to be the brand that is sold by the shop here.
Yep ...George is right. Just feel free to ask , it's not a shame. Also a picture/images could be helpful for getting a problem sorted out.
Just to show you that I have been working on the project:
Sorry for the quality, I made the picture with my ipad


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Phew got the deck in. I was a little afraid of doing that. So, what I meant in an earlier post about holes etc can be seen in the detail pictures. Especially at the rear end of the ship, there seems to be some room between the deck and the hull, but also in the bow, you can see that it is not a perfect fit.ten)

I got another question. The hull has some structure on it, some kind of 'windows' (portholes? we call them patrijspoorten). Would it work if I made them black with a pen or mayby dry-brush (found that technique on the internet) for enhancing the structure? What would you recommend?

Looking good though. As far as these gaps are concerned... just I had said before... use the putty made of mixed talc powder and the paint you used for the colouring of the deck for the filling . Then clean the areas with soft, soaked with the thinner , rag trying to leave as much of the putty there as possible in the gap.

Concerning these bullseyes.. useually these was a glass in a round frame that could be open by a sailor. While getting battle these portholes were closed with additional armoured doors. If I were you I would paint them with the hull colour but of a little bit darker tinge. Then I would apply some of gloss clear varnish to imitate glass there.

Here pics showing these bull's eyes of the HMS King Geaoge V... and the weathering around them.


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