Benevolens Magister
Here you go Alex, some stuff which might help.
PIC 1. An external view of the Radio room gun on the 'F' moel. Note the early ammunition box on the right of the gun receiver. This was later replaced by a belt feet - see next pics.
PIC 2. Sgt. Frank Kimotek in 'Hell's Angels', actually firing the gun - note the blur of empty cases on right, and below the ejection port, ans the cordite smoke, Presumably a posed shot, as he isn't wearing a parachute harness, and the ammo is a short length of belt. The gun mount is the later type, with the central swivel.
PIC 3. An interior shot, showing the earlier 'ring' mount, but also showing the ammo box and belt feed on the starboard radio room wall.
PIC 4. The type of cheek gun mounting used on 'Hell's Angels', this one over the Navigator's table on the port side. Note the gun recoil damper - these were fitted to the later waist gun mounts also.
PIC 5. A clearer shot of the .50 cal Browning and recoil mount (the silver 'tubes' and brackets etc.), taken at Duxford.
PICS 6 to 10. Boeing Flight Manual cutaways for the B17F.
I'll scan and post some pics of the waist gun mounts now - thought I'd done them!
Other photos, original source unknown, via Roger Freeman.
PIC 1. An external view of the Radio room gun on the 'F' moel. Note the early ammunition box on the right of the gun receiver. This was later replaced by a belt feet - see next pics.
PIC 2. Sgt. Frank Kimotek in 'Hell's Angels', actually firing the gun - note the blur of empty cases on right, and below the ejection port, ans the cordite smoke, Presumably a posed shot, as he isn't wearing a parachute harness, and the ammo is a short length of belt. The gun mount is the later type, with the central swivel.
PIC 3. An interior shot, showing the earlier 'ring' mount, but also showing the ammo box and belt feed on the starboard radio room wall.
PIC 4. The type of cheek gun mounting used on 'Hell's Angels', this one over the Navigator's table on the port side. Note the gun recoil damper - these were fitted to the later waist gun mounts also.
PIC 5. A clearer shot of the .50 cal Browning and recoil mount (the silver 'tubes' and brackets etc.), taken at Duxford.
PICS 6 to 10. Boeing Flight Manual cutaways for the B17F.
I'll scan and post some pics of the waist gun mounts now - thought I'd done them!
Other photos, original source unknown, via Roger Freeman.
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