Airfix Lanc' build.

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Well guys this is how far i've got up by this afternoon also painted the fuselage black aswell.

In Painting the canopy frames i always put tamiya masking tape on one edge only, then run down with the paint brushto make a fairly neatish edge

I've seen many a Lancaster model ruined by the awful night black as it meets the camoflage the best and quickist is to use good old Tamiya Masking Tape, this gives an excellent edge and peels away with out lifting the other paint.

To stop any paint getting under the masking tape always remember to run along the edge with a cocktail stick, this ensures it's well stuck down.

Turrets finally finished, if theres one part about building a model i hate it's painting turrets and canopies

Decals applied to the fins and tail planes, can anyone tell me why some had the codes painted on the rear wings

So that they could be identified from above or below, a well as from the sides. These were the 'daylight' codes, introduced when Lancaster squadrons commenced daylight operations in 1944. The yellow outline made them easier to see, as the Dull Red tended to blend with the black under certain lighting conditions.

Thanks for that Terry. i just thought it was to make them look good Quite obvisous wasn't it Terry but if you don't know, You don't know.

What method do you use to paint the canopies with, just tape? It's really impressive!!!

I've been asked this several times in the past and all i do is put Tamiya masking tape on one half of the framework, then just paint down the edge of the frame keeping everything all nice and level with the paintbrush. When its dry just peel the tape off and there you have it a nice line, it also saves time in having to mask the other side of the framework and also saves on masking tape.

Lovely work Ian, I'm impressed with your canopy painting too (and the rest), canopy frames my pet hate! Those turrets look the business.
A bit 'BROWNED OFF' guys Anyone been reading the article about 'Has Airfix Lost It' and my comments about the paint quality and how its took ages for the black to dry, Well its finally dry and i've tried to apply a coat of Klear/Future and it's 'BEADING' on the black paint, you know when water goes on a freshly waxed car and just runs off it's doing that

This is totally unbelievable and i've had to wipe it off before it ruins my model

That's a bit of a bummer mate, hope you can get it sorted cause you've got one fine aircraft in the making there. it looks really great.
Ian, I had the same problem on Humbrol matt black, which I'm sure was satin black in the wrong tin! Took bl**dy ages to dry, and rejected the Klear when it did dry. I rubbed it over, very gently, with a tissue only just dampened with white spirits, after most had eveporated. It was then left for about ten minutes, and then rubbed over, again gently, with a soft, dry cloth. The Klear went on then without a problem. I think it's the thinner and/ or carrier in these new paints, some of which might be a mix of cellulose, as you found out. It slows drying, gives inconsisitent and often 'lumpy' results, even if it did go on smoothly initially, and is basically a pain in the *rse, poor quality substitte for the original product.
The fuselage stumped me i used a brand new tin of H85 satin black and thoroughly mixed and painted it the fuselage black and it took several weeks to dry and when i applied Klear/Future to it it 'beaded' really badly, so had to wait for that to dry then had to 'wet/flat' the whole black then i tried to paint humbrol clear gloss on it, THEN THAT BEADED TOO, this nearly ruined the model totally I don't know what was in that black but i've binned it. I've got a big tin of yacht varnish and this went on without any trouble ! So now all the decals are on, when i put the big roundels on the wings you can see the large red circle showing through the blue and is spoiling the model too. so to me this model isn't doing well at all, heres a few pictures....

Ian, it looks damn good to me man. Hav eyou though about painting the blue on the roundel to hide the overlap? Shouildn't be too bad.

The fuselage looks great despite the travails you went through.
That looks awesome Ian. I've always wanted to build a Lancaster, but unfortunately there aren't many kits like that in the hobby shops here.


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