Battle damaged Ju-87 build....

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I agree with that fully. Nothing to add.
Well I guess I can agree but, only to an extent.

I was talking to Matt and he told me the best thing at my age is to keep building. Build some models and THEN become a perfectionist. I'd like to do that.
The way I see it is this. Kits are not cheap, nor are paints, glues, airbrushes and all the other stuff you need to do a build. Each kit therefore should be given 100% concentration and effort. Historical reference and research give you insight and make you a better modeller and historian.

So I echo Wurger echoing Les. Or something like that.

Just my shillings worth.
But .........Modeling should be fun.I still to this day grab some of the smaller scales for nothing more than to see the end result quickly with satisfaction.H has many more years ahead of him than we do that doesnt sound good does it. Kevin
Someone once said, "It's such a pleasurable experience to look back, and all of the fun I had just comes rushing back. "

Oh well....I'll see how it goes....
Being eaten by a bear is nothing comparing to being ****** by the animal. I know a nice joke about that.

Sorry Harry but it seems the thread can be hi-jacked by us.

So Gents , stop this now.
Not too bad Harrison. Especially since you're experimenting with new techniques! Only $2.50 for the kit, that is cheap. Still, when building a model, the first most important thing to do is research your subject to the best of your abilities. Know where you're going before you begin the journey and everything will fall into place. I also think this forum would be a great place to ask for suggestions and guidance. I bet any one of the old timers would be more than willing to demonstrate how to achieve a particular effect.

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