Bf109E3, 'Yellow 11', 9/JG54, Waldemar Wubke, August 1940, BoB Group Build.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Username: Airframes.
Name: Terry.
Category: Judge, non-competing.
Scale: 1/32nd.
Kit: Hasegawa Bf109E.
Accessories: home made decals, lots of scratchbuilding, 'Aires' resin wheels, some parts from the Matchbox kit, possibly some resin cockpit parts.

My second entry for the Group Build is the old (ex- Frog) Hasegawa kit, which will require a lot of work to get it to look right. The cockpit alone is going to take a lot of time, as the kit parts are totally inaccurate, especially the cockpit structure itself. As I can't get a replacement seat, and moulding one has proved unsuccessful, I can either build one around a suitable donor from the spares box, or use the one from the Matchbox kit, replacing the latter with a cockpit set from Aires. As this model will have the canopy closed, I'd rather use the Matchbox parts here, and keep the resin set for the Matchbox model, where the canopy will be open, allowing more to be seen.
As described in the review I posted recently, this kit needs a lot of work in other areas too, most noticeably the under- wing radiators, and the cowling.
The camouflage finish is in contrast to that on the other GB entry, and will be the 'plain' scheme used in the early stages of the BoB, without any yellow tactical paint, but with the 'tiger stripe' mottling on the fuselage, an interesting combination of Schwargrun and Dunkelgrun on the main wings, with the later RLM71 / RLM 02 fuselage spine colours, the sides and undersurface being in RLM 65.
So far, I haven't been abler to ascertain the Werk number for this aircraft, so if anyone happens to know what it was, I'd appreciate the info !


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At this rate were going to have more 109s than Spits.......................mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......just like the real thing. Big machine T........but nice.
Thanks Wayne. If it can't be found, I'll say the 'tiger stripe' mottling covered it, and just use the 'W.Nr 1' part of the number !
I have that one in my stash also Terry I will be poking my head in to see the progress Cheers
I've been having a bit of a tinker with this kit, to sort out what's needed to get the cockpit looking reasonably accurate, and there's a heck of a lot of work involved ! The parts for the side walls only vaguely resemble the actual fittings, the floor is incorrect, and the seat also of course, as already mentioned. But the main thing is the position of the rear bulkhead, which buts up direct to the sloping, upper bulkhead, where there should be a shelf. This throws out the alignment of everything in the cockpit, as everything needs to be moved forward about 7 mm.
It's going to involve a lot of scratch-building, and repositioning of the main interior parts.
Then there's the under-wing radiators, which I think I might have to remove, and mould some new radiator baths !
There's not a lot I can do about the shape of the saddle cowling and main cowling, which are the wrong profile, and I've just noticed that the flaps and ailerons are wider on the bottom than on the top of the wing, by a fairly large margin !
Methinks this will take some time!
I'll get some pics when the cutting starts, but first I need to mess around with some parts from the Matchbox kit, to make some patterns.

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