CF-5A Freedom Fighter Kitbashed 1/48 Monogram F-5E

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Thanks guys.

Here's a pic of the test fit of the Monogram instrument panel into the Testors fuselage with much sanding and detailing yet to go.

The instrument panel upper face was completely sanded down and the large radar scope of the F-5E removed to leave the smaller box for the gunsight. Having added the instrument clusters with plastic card, I'll drill out the individual instruments, then paint.

Here's a shot of an actual Cf-5A panel that I'm going by.

Thanks guys. Drove all over town today but no-one has the July issue of Scale Aircraft Modeller yet. Oh well.

I began planning out what parts to use on this hybrid build. The fuselage from the Testors kit is a must as it is the only piece I have that has the correct shape. The wings, however, are a different story. Below can be seen the difference in detail of the Testors F-5A wing underside (left) vs the Monogram F-5E. Although both have raised panel lines, the Monogram wing is thinner with crisper details, especially in the wheel wells.

I will be rescribing the panel lines in any case and have decided to use the Monogram wings.

Below can be seen a comparison of the tail and the nose. Once again, the Monogram details are better molded and the cannons in the nose are inserted realistically from inside whereas on the Testors kit, the cannons are to be glued to the surface. I may go with the Monogram nose if the profile matches the Testors. I will use the Monogram nose gear bay in any case.

I may yet decide to stick with the Testors tail as the thickness at the fillet would need to be built up on the Monogram one unless I can find a cut line further up the fin.

Below the butchering commences with the separation of the lower wing and wheel wells from the Monogram fueslage.

Next comes the separation of the upper wings:

Finally, I traced the cut line for the root extensions onto the longer Monogram extensions and cut these off.

In the meantime, work continues in the cockpit and I'll post some progress shots soon. Thanks for tuning in.
Very nice surgery by Prof. Dipl Eng (Warsaw) Andy, pupil of the great Commander Bondski of the Polish Institute of Technical Surgeons (PITS). It's moving along very nicely, looking forward to the next installment of destructive construction!
Just found a cockpit and canopy from the Monogram F5E if you need a spare Andy.
Thanks Terry. I have both canopies from both kits and unless I wreck both, I should be OK. Now if you had a fully kitted out ejection seat....
Hmm. Wonder if I still have the one from the Esci kit? And their canopy and actuator rams....I'll have a look and let you know.
The Esci seat was quite good, and a separate item, unlike the Monogram seat, moulded as part of the cockpit tub.
Thanks again Terry. The Mongram tub/seat combo isn't terrible and I'll make do with modifying it and adding details. here's a pic of the primed tub as it is today:

I've already modified it slightly. The headrest has been reshaped but there's more cutting to do to make it resemble my reference pics. Also, I've trimmed up the throttle handle and will add the knobs. Lots more to come on this as this is my next job to tackle.

Below are two shots of the instrument panel, beginning with the modified panel shown in post 44 with base coat applied. The last pic is the finished panel. The larger instruments were painted black and then the numbers and dials scratched out to the white plastic card. Then a drop of Future was applied. The cluster of smaller instruments on the top right is a home made decal printed from Photoshop. Not perfect when viewed up close but pretty reasonable for this scale when viewed from a normal disctance.

Thanks again for looking in and for your interest.
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